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After 87 flights

You can reset it back to factory specs in Pad. That would be the next step. You might also have to delete the Flight Data as you would do in the firmware update. Then it will require rebinding and calibrations and waiting the 13 minutes for GPS updates.

is there a way to reset the H to factory?
The H not the st16 :)
Ah, I thought you were referring to the system in general. A reset on the H would simply be installing the original firmware which doesn't accomplish much unless the current firmware is corrupted. I don't know what is involved in that process.
Ah, I thought you were referring to the system in general. A reset on the H would simply be installing the original firmware which doesn't accomplish much unless the current firmware is corrupted. I don't know what is involved in that process.

yeah I understand I have not found a way to do it either :)
Any new firmware installation places the H in essentially a "factory setting". There is no ability to re-program the H outside of factory specifications.
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Wow, that's a sobering reminder for me...be sure to thoroughly preflight, and be sure to keep everything clean. I fly in some dusty conditions. I did buy a can of air. I need to use it more often. "Iron sharpens iron" - thanks for keeping me sharp.
It's the take off snd landing that generate the majority of dust issues. Use of a landing mat large enough to eliminate the "dust off" swirling eliminates most contamination problems.

How do You cleaned?

I had at february weird behavior with roll channel(J4). Not centering and returns slowly.
Thankfully I was on the ground and copter started to beeping and I figured out that J4 channel was not zero.

I opened ST16, checked gimbal wires, wiggled right stick at full range...for now it's ok.

best regards

I've read your information and have a question. How did you clean the joy stick? Did you use a contact spray, and if so, what brand was it? I"m having similar issues with my ST16. The Hardware Monitor show that the sticks don't always come back to center, or take their time doing it. I had my H at about 5 feet off the ground and it decided to drift left with no input on the joy stick. I was able to reverse the direction by pushing right, but when let go, it began going left again. I did land safely, but still wonder why it did that. I flew yesterday and all worked pretty well, though the J2 doesn't go 100 % in either direction. I'm considering using a contact cleaner, but want to make sure I get one that is safe on plastic.
I've read your information and have a question. How did you clean the joy stick? Did you use a contact spray, and if so, what brand was it? I"m having similar issues with my ST16. The Hardware Monitor show that the sticks don't always come back to center, or take their time doing it. I had my H at about 5 feet off the ground and it decided to drift left with no input on the joy stick. I was able to reverse the direction by pushing right, but when let go, it began going left again. I did land safely, but still wonder why it did that. I flew yesterday and all worked pretty well, though the J2 doesn't go 100 % in either direction. I'm considering using a contact cleaner, but want to make sure I get one that is safe on plastic.
It seems the problem is mechanical not electronics. I just used a can of air to blow the gimbal from the inside. I don't believe the potentiometer is the problem all-tho it may be. Try the air first and see if that works, if not try a can of tuner cleaner and spray the potentiometer. The pot seems to be sealed with just a few small holes to get the cleaner inside. I am working on some sort of boot to install over the sticks to keep junk from getting inside the ginbals. If I find something I will post. The gimbal are not of the best quality so I am looking at replacements .
I had a similar issue - The actual potentiometers were loose in their housings causing both the aileron and yaw inputs to be compromised by the independent movement of the pots. Sometimes flicking the stick around will allow them to "re-center", but this is only temporary. I now know that they have always been like this and have become worse with time. This is a known issue. I called yuneec and they made me send both the H and the ST16 into Kav Service, but they had it back to me in a week. They fixed a couple of other things in there as well, like the spotty barometer. H flies like it was meant to, now. Great service, I have to say.

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