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Editing software?

Feb 7, 2019
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North Central Washington
So what do you folks use to edit videos and pics? For my needs and uses (for now), iMovie looks like it'll do for videos, but I really don't have any way to deal with RAW pics. Was looking at Lightroom, but Adobe is/has discontinued it in favor of a subscription plan, something I totally despise and consider a complete rip-off, thanks for nothing, Microsoft and Autodesk :mad:. Problem is, seems most of the alternatives are either using the same paradigm, are priced beyond reason for someone doing this as a hobby, or have lousy reviews. Any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks.

I Use an older version (non subscription) of Photoshop CS4 to work with my DNG/s from either the CG03+ or C23. There is an additional step to be able to work with them but it is free - Adobe DNG converter - this allows me to open and work with them right in an older version.

As for video, my Premiere and After Effects CS4 were my favorite but alas, they cannot handle modern codecs so for now I am using PowerDirector Ultimate
For pictures I mainly use GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). For video I use Filmora...not too expensive one-off payment. Not the very best video editor out there but it's ease of use makes up for it.
.........Was looking at Lightroom, but Adobe is/has discontinued it in favor of a subscription plan, something I totally despise and consider a complete rip-off, thanks for nothing,........

I look at it differently.

I remember paying $$$$ for the software, then a year (or less) later paying $$ for an update or patch. Repeat for each software and the set ends up being very expensive. Do it all over again every couple years unless they offer an “upgrade discount” for previous users, but still $$$.

Now, for only $20 a month, I get always current, always patched, Lightroom, Photoshop, Bridge, plus a few more, AND 1Tb of Cloud Storage, access to Adobe Support....just $20 a month. A pizza DELIVERED costs more than that! So, I just get one less pizza a month.....and get ALOT more value and use of my $20. Hmmmm....$240 a year.....would take me 4 years to hit my 2 year cost in the previous model.

I like this new model better.
I look at it differently.

I remember paying $$$$ for the software, then a year (or less) later paying $$ for an update or patch. Repeat for each software and the set ends up being very expensive. Do it all over again every couple years unless they offer an “upgrade discount” for previous users, but still $$$.

Now, for only $20 a month, I get always current, always patched, Lightroom, Photoshop, Bridge, plus a few more, AND 1Tb of Cloud Storage, access to Adobe Support....just $20 a month. A pizza DELIVERED costs more than that! So, I just get one less pizza a month.....and get ALOT more value and use of my $20. Hmmmm....$240 a year.....would take me 4 years to hit my 2 year cost in the previous model.

I like this new model better.

I see your point, but it comes down to how folks use software. Most of my use over the years has been productivity or utilities, i.e. MS Office, Norton Utilities (back in the day when you could actually DO something with it :mad:), and some form of inexpensive 2D CAD program. I used Photoshop Elements for photo editing. I didn't "upgrade" every year, for the same reason that I don't "upgrade" cel phones every year. Most of the latest and greatest bells and whistles are just that, bells and whistles, and frequently have little impact on the functionality of the program, other than creating a new learning curve :rolleyes:. My long time CAD program is a perfect example. I bought it way back in '99, at the time it was a product of an Autodesk competitor. Used it for years, but then had a computer crash, only to discover I had all these drawings in a proprietary format, but had lost the source disks. In the meantime, Autodesk had bought out the company and program and changed the name to AutoSketch. Other than changing the name and the letters of the proprietary format extension, it was exactly the same program, and remained basically the same through several "new" versions. They've now dropped it entirely, never really did support it, and now find myself in the same situation of lots of drawing files and no way to read them. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson about saving stuff in a proprietary format on the first go round :rolleyes:.

Switched over to Apple in the last couple of years, and that's a different paradigm, the standard productivity type programs are included, making a new computer ready to go to work right out of the box, and updates are also included at not charge. iMovie seems to be a fairly okay hobby level video editor, and it's included with my Mac.

The other issue is packaging. You list 3+ programs plus Cloud storage in your monthly subscription cost. But what good does that do me if I'll only have a use for one of the programs and don't need/want the storage? Now let me set up my own package ala carte, and I might be interested. But again, keep in mind, I'm only talking occasional hobby type use, strictly for my own enjoyment, not something I'll be using to make money with.

The final straw for me was all the nightmare reviews folks were posting on getting the subscription working, and the general decline in reviews for Adobe products across the board, not that Adobe is the only one with that issue. But if I'm going to invest the time and money into learning a new program, I prefer starting with something that is well respected in the first place. IMO, Adobe has been going downhill for a long time, and the recent reviews only lend weight to that opinion. And again, Adobe isn't the only one. Okay, I'll get off my soap box now, I hadn't intended to get so long winded. Later, and thanks to all for your suggestions, will continue to look into them.

The other factor is when you have a subscription based setup, you will be upgraded automatically... what if the "new" upgrade sucks? Anyone familiar with the interface changes made to MS Word 2007, knows why I am still on Word 2003.:eek:

As far as image programs... I recently upgraded from Photoshop CS2 to CS5... :p
Have you looked at Seashore for OSX? I am not sure about RAW files, but I find it does what I need as a simple hobbiest and it's free.
I look at it differently.

I remember paying $$$$ for the software, then a year (or less) later paying $$ for an update or patch. Repeat for each software and the set ends up being very expensive. Do it all over again every couple years unless they offer an “upgrade discount” for previous users, but still $$$.

Now, for only $20 a month, I get always current, always patched, Lightroom, Photoshop, Bridge, plus a few more, AND 1Tb of Cloud Storage, access to Adobe Support....just $20 a month. A pizza DELIVERED costs more than that! So, I just get one less pizza a month.....and get ALOT more value and use of my $20. Hmmmm....$240 a year.....would take me 4 years to hit my 2 year cost in the previous model.

I like this new model better.

I tend to agree that 20.00 a month for those three programs is acceptable; on the other hand 60.00 or more a month for Premier and After Effects is a bit steep, if I could get those two programs for 20 a month, I wouldn't bat an eye.
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So what do you folks use to edit videos and pics? For my needs and uses (for now), iMovie looks like it'll do for videos, but I really don't have any way to deal with RAW pics. Was looking at Lightroom, but Adobe is/has discontinued it in favor of a subscription plan, something I totally despise and consider a complete rip-off, thanks for nothing, Microsoft and Autodesk :mad:. Problem is, seems most of the alternatives are either using the same paradigm, are priced beyond reason for someone doing this as a hobby, or have lousy reviews. Any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks.


I use Vegas (Sony) Movie Studio Platinum. I have been using it for years. I think the purchase price is around $79.00. You can continue to upgrade to the highest version for around $49.00. Before I retired from a Siemens PLM Software, we used TechSmith - Camtasia. It is a video capture and editing tool. It is kind of pricy $249.00. I used it to capture demonstrations from desktop applications for our Graphic CAD/CAM software. I notice that there are a lot of YouTube Video VLOGERS who use PowerDirector.
The other factor is when you have a subscription based setup, you will be upgraded automatically... .....

Only if you set it that way. I don’t. I get a notification in Creative Cloud Manager and can install it, or not. I usually do a couple weeks later, but if I wanted could stay on the older version.
PowerDirector for videos. PhotoDirector for images. I shoot aerial imagery and I also have a Nikon for my ground game. I do real estate photography as a side gig.
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