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Good Luck To Those In Irmas Path


Premium Pilot
Sep 10, 2015
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Live! From New York!
Stay safe to all our members dealing with Hurrican Irma. We wish you all the best as you weather the storm. Hopefully you all have evacuated by now.

Stay safe to all our members dealing with Hurrican Irma. We wish you all the best as you weather the storm. Hopefully you all have evacuated by now.

I have friends in Florida and they have tried to keep me posted. All we can do for now is watch and wait.
So true, and there are many members who live in Florida. Surely will be a rough weekend.
Just got a text from my neighbors who are on vacation in Sarasota. They tried to get out today but I-75 was a parking lot and they couldn't find fuel anywhere. They believe they are stuck there.
Roads are packed, everyone is trying to get out of south Florida to north "anywhere" to escape this storm. Gas is available, or on its way according to Governor Scott. Water is out everywhere. Tolls have been suspended on the turnpike for 2 days already. Folks have pretty much stripped the big box stores down to nothing here in central Florida. Shortages are normal in this circumstance. In the Keys, the tourists were supposed to start to evacuate yesterday and residents last night staggering the exodus to keep the highways flowing. The Florida Highway Patrol is pretty good at managing this kind of thing.
We used to live in south Florida and have been through most (So. Florida) hurricanes since 1975. We used to have parties to the point that hurricanes became social events. While living in Boynton Beach we caught the full hit from Wilma in 2005. It was the first time I ever feared for my life (and I'm originally from Detroit)! Wilma was only a low cat 3 when it hit us but that was enough to do terrible damage to my neighborhood.I spent 5 years in court fighting the insurance company State Farm for my roof. We finally won the suit but trust me, insurance companies are not your friend. If you have to file a claim do it right away. It makes a difference in court.
We have a place on St. Augustine beach but we are hunkering down here in central Florida for Irma. We have a small farm just north and west of Orlando but the current tracks show we are still in harms way. The "farm" is a heavily wooded area. lots of old water oaks and pine. Although we are prepared (as you can be), I am not embarrassed to admit that I'm shaking in my boots!
Last year Matthew made a terrible mess for us at the beach. Anastasia island was cut off and we couldn't get to our place for days. The surge damage was unbelievable and after a year it's still being repaired. We have friends who's homes are still not livable.
Unfortunately, my friends that still live in South Florida, Broward and Palm Beach county have decided to stay. I fear for them and everyone.
That started as a joke Ray, but apparently, some took it seriously. :rolleyes:

Glad to see ole Irma settled down as it made landfall. Hopefully, you guys get things cleaned up and back to normal soon! :)

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