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GPS Tower mod

May 10, 2017
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I have never had a problem with acquiring sats but thought this was worth getting as some times when flying I get unable to connect were it shows welcome pilot on the ST16 but still had full control so I would bring it back close to me then it would change back I know sometimes it happens if I had raised the legs so waiting on it arriving in the UK

Ok I had a full battery in and left the H sitting today when turnt it off and put my battery in to put in storage mode it show's it was at 50% so should that be long enough to charge up the internal battery as I left it 1 hr then put my 2nd full battery and turnt back on so it's sitting on just now ok just took the 2nd battery off and charger shows 67% so would you say the internal battery will be full
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Nice job nice pics. I use one also just for extra insurance. Look in typhoon h how to,post # 10 by wtfdproject and you will get all the answers,esp make sure gps is facing the right way. Or maybe Tom will see this and give you a link.
Just a note; put a drop of glue somewhere on the cover to securely hold it on, as I lost a cover once during a flight ?
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Thanks Johnny will do never thought about that
It didn't happen the first few flights, then I took it off to wrap it in vinyl put it back on, then when opening the back pack it came off I put it back on it was still tight, but obviously not enough ? Then when reordering some new ones, I asked about buying just the cover he sent me a couple of extras free of charge, thats when I decided to add a drop of glue to two opposite sides easy enough to still get it off.. No more problems after a boat load of flights in strong winds.. Oh, and it chipped a prop when it fell off
So could have been worse then I have never had trouble acquiring sats just wanted to have a useful mod so do you find a difference with having it on only problem I would get now and then would be the st16 would say unable to connect to camera when in flight but once would come back near me it would go back to saying welcome pilot
So could have been worse then I have never had trouble acquiring sats just wanted to have a useful mod so do you find a difference with having it on only problem I would get now and then would be the st16 would say unable to connect to camera when in flight but once would come back near me it would go back to saying welcome pilot
Actually GPS has nothing to do with your camera connection as thats WI-FI, as is the connection with the drone itself, the camera uses 5.8 and is the middle antennas (pad, or mushroom) the mushroom antenna on the camera. The drone connects using 2.4 the two end antennas on the controller along with the two by the landing gear... GPS is for hovering/position hold, RTH, and CCC. Yes I found a difference in the amount of SAT's, and the time its takes connecting to them... For your camera, and distance for flying look into the 4hawks antenna for your controller, or the other range extenders ? Also you can put a tin foil covered piece of cardboard between the controller, and antennas ?
I have the 4hawks and yes I did know that raising the legs can cause that aswell but it sometimes does it when not raised the legs

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