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H920 to the plus, worth the update?

Jun 28, 2016
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Those of you that were updated to the H920+ from the H920, is the update worth loosing team mode? Is the range and video any better? Does it connect faster? I guess I am asking, what are the real benefits to the update? Any info would be great! I think the US is getting close to an update path and I want to make sure its worth the money and loosing team mode. I know some have figured out a way to keep team mode in the H920+ and I am hoping it does in fact work and is reliable.
I'm not sure about team mode, but in terms of long term support the new hardware is streets ahead of the old kit, and the controller is the one that will be used across the entire range, so it probably makes sense not to get stuck with the ST-24 and older flight controller, prop connections and so on.
New hardware is streets ahead - what are new feature or visible benefits? Other than new props which are clearly better.

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