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I also routinely practice catching the drone with hand. Everyone should try that is even remotely coordinated. I basically bring it down t a little above my head, walk towards it, put my hand very loosely on arm/legand have controller in other hand where my thumb is close to red shut off button. Then hold down red button and after about one second firmly grasp the drone by arm/leg. It will quickly slow down props and then shut off. Second time I tried to do a catch I grabbed it before trying to turn it off and it fought me vigorously like th4 other posts said. I had to set controller down and use other hand very carefully to shut off drone power. Then went back and recalibrate did everything to be safe.

There's been lots of discussions on the rights & wrongs of hand catching the H in this forum.
I almost always hand catch my Phantom as a matter or course, but have only ever hand caught my H twice. This is because I've found that the H is much better at ground landing having a much bigger footprint than the Phantom...so is much less likely to tip over on landing.

So, while I've no problem in hand catching the H, I'll only do it if the circumstances of the landing area/area of operations makes me suspect that a ground landing would be eventful. Hand catching the H is not something I would normally seek to do if a good ground landing is do-able...which is most of the time.
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Do what you're comfortable with but as you move up into larger "pro" size drones they start to get a bit difficult to one hand catch after they pass 25lbs. or so. I do have to agree the Phantom landing "hoops" are a bit under designed for the intended task though.
Not to beat a dead horse on the hand catching ut mine is not so much of and catching but more of hand grabbing. I will bring it to me and about a foot higher than my head. Then I wait and watch it hover for maybe 10 seconds to make sure it is stable (and of course previously make sure it is not in Smart mode but angle mode). Then I will go underneath the drone between the legs and grab one of the arms. That way I am fully protected.

I don't really practice that anymore as it is so simple to do that anyone can do this. If I ever feel the drone getting out of control I would put my arm or elbow into the props before I would even let my fingers get in the way. Guess there is always the chance though. But like I said no need to practice it anymore as it is extremely easy if done this way.Not sure if you can post videos on this site but I could post how I do it so that people can better understand how easy it is.

I have seem videos of where people have it come fly in at a slow (but too fast for me) speed and catch it. No thanks on doing that cause that looks way more dangerous than my way. Again mine is more hand grabbling versus catching. I will even put my hand loosely around the drone's arms as I prepare to shut off the engine just to make sure that it is stable that way too. Primarily you just have to be very responsible when doing this and not try and be too cool trying to catch it. My way is very boring but safe
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I bought one too in Denver, Colorado. It is not IntelSense nor backpack. It also has controller with only antenna and not two like the picture at Costco showed. Which controller is newer controller. Also I am thinking of adding IntelSense to it. Should that work fine with the controller with only one Antenna. It does of course have the mushroom antenna and the costco came with the extended range mushroom as an extra with 4 additional props to the other 10.
My controller has two antenna's and the 5ghz antenna. I would take it back. Definitely not older stock. Also came with 6 extra props and an extra battery.
I did talk to a Yuneec tech support guy and he said the controllers are the exact same. Just for aesthetics they put an additional antenna. Mine did have the 5.8 MHz in addition to other mushroom antenna and the extra 6 props and extra battery. I am though taking it back and getting the H Pro with IntelSense that u can only get online. Already ordered it and takes 3 days to deliver. It is $1499. But for extra $500 u get IntelSense, Backpack,and wizard Wand that u don't get on the one u have. Plus all the other extras. So much better deal but the one for $979 or $949 (can't remember which piece it was) is a good deal too with all the extras.
I did talk to a Yuneec tech support guy and he said the controllers are the exact same. Just for aesthetics they put an additional antenna.
That is B.S. A manufacturer will do anything to reduce cost of their product and add an antenna just for aesthetics is ludicrous. There are after market antennas that use all three of the connections on the ST-16.
Yeah I thought that was a strange answer too. Is the 2 antenna the new one or old one? I also asked why their batteries do not show a charge status and he could not tell me but I told him I am sure it was to reduce overall costs. I used to develop products for cell phones that were developed in China and it is all about the COGs (Cost of Goods).
The two antenna -16 can be either the original version or the one provided for the standard H. If you purchased the basic H package you will have a 2 antenna ST-16. There is nothing wrong or deficient with the 2 antenna -16 standard. More antennas are provided for the H Pro version.
FWIW, I Purchased my Typhoon H (Pro)? (minus Realsense) from Horizon Hobby, it has the ST-16 with three antenna - Two Batteries - Wizard Wand - Soft Back Pack, for 1499.00 and free shipping and I had a coupon for 150 off so I got it for 1,350. They are a solid company and Authorized Yuneec Dealer. Typhoon H at Horizon.
FWIW, I Purchased my Typhoon H (Pro)? (minus Realsense) from Horizon Hobby, it has the ST-16 with three antenna - Two Batteries - Wizard Wand - Soft Back Pack, for 1499.00 and free shipping and I had a coupon for 150 off so I got it for 1,350. They are a solid company and Authorized Yuneec Dealer. Typhoon H at Horizon.

Bought same set (including RealSense though) for same price ($1500) here in the Netherlands.
Photo is missing a bunch of extra props and the charger, cables......

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