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St16 not communicating with H

Oh, you don't put it team mode until after the firmware upload. Go to team mode after the upload but before going to the settings>refresh>bind page.
Gave it new name, nothing. "Warning OBS. Avoidance has failed". ???
Had the same problem, H support no help......but also, H won't start with Red button........Ready to return this product due to lack of good manual. Can't live on in the internet trying to figure out something that should not be that hard.
When performing an update the process is not hard or difficult but it does have to be executed in a specific manner. Computers are in a way like a severely mentally limited person. Once taught (programmed) how to do something they will not accept alternate methods that could do the same thing. The number of people that manage to screw it up is astounding. Many leave a bunch of files on the SD card that confuse the system. The system was set up to receive one file at a time, and only the one file required for the update. It rejects/aborts an update with a card having more than one file to choose from. Some try to unzip the files first even though Yuneec videos inform them not to do that. Some failed to save and use the card that came with their H, install firmware in the wrong order, and all sorts of other things to lock up the system. The correct process to follow has been posted innumerable times yet some choose not to read, watch, or follow them. That many have caused their systems to lock up has been pretty well established. Most blame the H for their failures. Living on the internet is not necessary when simply following the directions provided on the internet before initiating activities prevents problems from originating. The best manuals ever written are useless when people don't read them, which is, again, something that has been demonstrated countless times.

We are not dealing with an update in this situation but are certainly dealing with one where the system has lost bind for reasons unknown at this time. That's at least part of the problem but may not be all of it. However, until system communications are re-established no further trouble shooting can take place. The system not recognizing the AP firmware is an old condition, one where the solution for revealing it was published in July or August last year. Team mode forces a deeper system search for reasons not known to me. If the firmware still resides in the system and can be located, team mode will reveal it. If team mode does not expose the firmware there would be a deeper problem. Trouble shooting requires that only one thing at a time be done before moving on to the next. In this situation we know the system is not communicating. We also know the autopilot firmware, also known as Flightmode, is not being recognized by the system. Nothing can be accomplished until communications have been established and for that to happen we have to locate the firmware.
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The problem of the 16 not recognizing the AP firmware update started about V25 or one earlier. A shop in the U.K figured out that placing the 16 in team mode forced a deeper search for the new firmware. I have done several updates where this problem occurred. The first time even Yuneec didn't know what to do, they said "send it back". I saw the UK video later the same day and, voila', team mode revealed the otherwise hidden update. I called Yuneec afterwards to let them know about it. Everything you need for the update is there. You're not going to fly. If the update is revealed you bind and shut everything down when done. When you bring the system back up again it defaults to single mode. Give it a try, or not. If it works you have a functional system again that won't be spending a month or more of the summer at Yuneec. Your choice.

I won't do an update anymore unless the 16 is in team mode. I don't like spending hours fighting with it.
Well **** it worked :);):p:D:eek::cool::rolleyes:. Thank you very much. I owe you a McDonald burger
When performing an update the process is not hard or difficult but it does have to be executed in a specific manner. Computers are in a way like a severely mentally limited person. Once taught (programmed) how to do something they will not accept alternate methods that could do the same thing. The number of people that manage to screw it up is astounding. Many leave a bunch of files on the SD card that confuse the system. The system was set up to receive one file at a time, and only the one file required for the update. It rejects/aborts an update with a card having more than one file to choose from. Some try to unzip the files first even though Yuneec videos inform them not to do that. Some failed to save and use the card that came with their H, install firmware in the wrong order, and all sorts of other things to lock up the system. The correct process to follow has been posted innumerable times yet some choose not to read, watch, or follow them. That many have caused their systems to lock up has been pretty well established. Most blame the H for their failures. Living on the internet is not necessary when simply following the directions provided on the internet before initiating activities prevents problems from originating. The best manuals ever written are useless when people don't read them, which is, again, something that has been demonstrated countless times.

We are not dealing with an update in this situation but are certainly dealing with one where the system has lost bind for reasons unknown at this time. That's at least part of the problem but may not be all of it. However, until system communications are re-established no further trouble shooting can take place. The system not recognizing the AP firmware is an old condition, one where the solution for revealing it was published in July or August last year. Team mode forces a deeper system search for reasons not known to me. If the firmware still resides in the system and can be located, team mode will reveal it. If team mode does not expose the firmware there would be a deeper problem. Trouble shooting requires that only one thing at a time be done before moving on to the next. In this situation we know the system is not communicating. We also know the autopilot firmware, also known as Flightmode, is not being recognized by the system. Nothing can be accomplished until communications have been established and for that to happen we have to locate the firmware.
Now do I go back to single mode or leave it in team???
It re installed updates and went into single mode, yeaaaaaaaa! now if weather clears up I'll go out and test. Oh and re calibrate a few things.

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