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Recent content by h-elsner

  1. h-elsner

    Update bricked, and gui doesn't work....

    To download the driver STM wants an account. This may help: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oltgefYw_OThHCZMgST8O9L6p7CDXxSc/view?usp=sharing
  2. h-elsner

    Update bricked, and gui doesn't work....

    In your video I can't see the COM and LPT interfaces. Those may be not shown. Go to "View" and enable hidden devices. After that you should see if a virtual COM port is there or not. If not, then you need to check the micro USB connector, the cable to the MCU board and the connector on the...
  3. h-elsner

    A Scary Flight after installing Remote ID Module

    What I have seen from the flight logs there are unusual IMU status values. I need to write a program to list this stuff from a fair amount of flights from your drone and from other drones just to compare. This will take some time but maybe it will help to have a better diagnosis tool at the end...
  4. h-elsner

    Update bricked, and gui doesn't work....

    If you have powered the MCU board via USB and put the battery in it is normal that it reports an HW error and makes the sad sound. For update the flight controller FW (autopilot SW) you should not have flight battery in. Check in device manager if an additional virtual COM port will be added...
  5. h-elsner

    Convert Typhoon H to PixHawk 6C Flight Controller

    UART speed drone-gimbal is 500000. What is in we can see in sensor file on ST16. The message structure is nothing we know. What we know: See user manual of Q500log2kml, page 13.
  6. h-elsner

    Convert Typhoon H to PixHawk 6C Flight Controller

    Yes, Rx from camera point-of-view. Tx from drone.
  7. h-elsner

    Convert Typhoon H to PixHawk 6C Flight Controller

    No. PixHawk and Pixracer have enough UART and I²C interfaces for all needs. YTH has only compass connected to I²C as far as I know. RealSense is UART, camera/gimbal is UART and GPS is UART. I have tried to connect sonar module to I²C on a Raspberry Pi but i2cdetect didn't detect it as device...
  8. h-elsner

    Convert Typhoon H to PixHawk 6C Flight Controller

    The FC WiFi has a SSID (either the default or the one you have given). With this SSID the cell phone should connect by usual procedure to connect to any WiFi hotspot (AP). QGC will automatically detect the existing WiFi connection when MAV messages are coming in.
  9. h-elsner

    problem with Gimbal

    Please check the ribbon cable connection. The WiFi module seems not working. You can check it with a WiFi Anlyzer app on your phone. Have a look on the ribbon cable and antenna connection of the WiFi module.
  10. h-elsner

    Convert Typhoon H to PixHawk 6C Flight Controller

    Anenna problem or interferences between 2.4GHz RC and 2.4GHz WiFi? What I have seen in the past: If the Laptop running QGC and the transmitter on the drone are too close to each other I have an instable WiFi connection and frequently reconnects. If it I put it 2-3m away this effect disappears...
  11. h-elsner

    H520 Red text for some parameters, and will not "take" changes.

    Parameters in red means parameter settings different from PX4 default. Those parameter settings are from Yuneec.
  12. h-elsner

    Convert Typhoon H to PixHawk 6C Flight Controller

    You can use channel settings on ST16 to reverse aux and gear switch. It should be done only for this model that is used with PixHawk.
  13. h-elsner

    Convert Typhoon H to PixHawk 6C Flight Controller

    It is a feature of the FC software. On the ground sonar will report constant obstacles which may lead to erratic flight after take off. I don't remember at wich heigt the sonar is enabled, maybe 10m or so.
  14. h-elsner

    Controller constantly Reports Critical Low battery and aborts flight!

    With them, not only the battery charge disappears, but also the punctuation marks. Please supply the flight logs from the ST10. I think one or more cells in the battery are defective or have too high an internal resistance. Voltage measurements in the unloaded state are not meaningful, hence the...
  15. h-elsner

    Convert Typhoon H to PixHawk 6C Flight Controller

    The sonar module will be supplied with 5V. What Sonar1 and Sonar2 means is hard to say because sonar is off in landed state. Measurement during flight is not possible so far. I can only guess. From another sonar module it says that Sonar 1 is trigger and Sonar 2 is echo. Other sonar modules have...