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hdenby's latest activity

  • hdenby
    hdenby left a message on joe@vertigodrones's profile.
    Good morning, do you know if the RID firmware has been activated for the H520?
  • hdenby
    hdenby posted the thread RID in H520 Discussions.
    Any updates for the H520 about RID?
  • hdenby
    hdenby replied to the thread email / registration.
  • hdenby
    hdenby replied to the thread email / registration.
    You can export flight logs and video file via email if it would accept it. I have no intention of loading “apps” onto my ST16
  • hdenby
    I bought my H520 from a sales rep that used for demos. I cant seem to be able to get the controller to accept my email as valid. I have...
  • hdenby
    hdenby posted the thread Remote ID in General Discussion.
    When is the update for RID going to happen for my H520? If it was in the last update how do you know it’s been done and working?