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Recent content by Pier2162

  1. Pier2162

    Drone Typhoon H Aquiring

    Here I am again, this time with some great news. I just replaced the gps battery, which I received just this morning. The new battery arrived and the voltage at its poles was measured: 3.15 volts. As soon as I closed the top cover, I inserted the batteries and turned on ST16 and H, in less than...
  2. Pier2162

    Drone Typhoon H Aquiring

    I did it, but doesn't maintain the charge...batteries are not eternal, when they became old loose their properties of accumulate power. I've read other posts where this battery had been changed solving the problem.
  3. Pier2162

    Drone Typhoon H Aquiring

    You can be right, John, I will check after replacing battery. As previously reported, I don't understand why after first time, when it takes 20 min. or more, then the acquiring time becomes normal, in a couple of minutes, and drone flies normally. You can fly all the day, no more happens. I...
  4. Pier2162

    Drone Typhoon H Aquiring

    After a couple of months, due to severe weather, yesterday I pulled out the H from its backpack to make a flight. After sitting the drone outside to acquire satellites, again it took more than 20 minutes to have "sat lock". I suppose the gps battery does not have enough power to maintain the...
  5. Pier2162

    Flying among migrating pelicans .

    Excellent footage!
  6. Pier2162

    Hello everybody

    Hi Nora, welcome into the Yuneec family, from north Italy!
  7. Pier2162

    Hello everyone

    Hi Rank, welcome from north Italy! Nice to meet you too.
  8. Pier2162

    Typhoon h team mode

    Good to know @DoomMeister thank you
  9. Pier2162

    A Scary Flight after installing Remote ID Module

    And I wish add....keep you mobile phone away from your flying area, or at least in air mode, with all connections (cellular, Bluetooth and wifi) switched off.
  10. Pier2162

    Off Topic Need XDynamics Evolve Help

    There's no way to open the shell and replace cells?
  11. Pier2162

    Correct props for Blade Chroma?

    The easiest way is to buy original props from John @Yuneec Skins, as suggested above. https://yuneecskins.com/all-products/ols/products/blade-chroma-propeller-a-or-b-oem-blh8608
  12. Pier2162

    Correct props for Blade Chroma?

    Where are you from?
  13. Pier2162

    Correct props for Blade Chroma?

    Hi. Unfortunately the Chroma spare parts are very hard to find. I had a complete set, but already sold after my Chroma dies. I have heard about adapters for using standard blades, but never try them. DJI Phantom 1 props should fit, they are M6 too. There were, few years ago, a good alternative...
  14. Pier2162

    How to install new firmware on ST16E

    Christmas? I think you mean Easter...