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mantis q telemetry

  1. DoomMeister

    How To: Retrieve Mantis Q Telemetry (Sensor) Files

    For the Android user: Open your File/Storage manager. Navigate to: /storage/sdcard0/YuneecPilot/FlightLog. Select all files, then select Compress and create a name that includes the date. For iOS users: Open iTunes on the PC. Attach iPhone/iPad. Open File Sharing. Select Yuneec Pilot...
  2. DoomMeister

    Help needed from Android users!!!

    If any users have received instructions from Yuneec on retrieving telemetry data from the Android device it would be greatly appreciated by other Mantis users. The Q500log2kml program by @h-elsner can help analyze your flight data and display the flight path on Google Earth/Map. You can...
  3. DoomMeister

    How To Read Telemetry from Yuneec Aircraft

    There is a free program developed by one of our members (@h-elsner) that is capable of reading the telemetry files and sensor files from most of Yuneec's aircraft. I use it to help members when they have crashes, flyaways, or just weird actions with their craft. The title is Q500log2kml and is a...