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  1. S

    Weather condition limits for H520

    Hello everybody, I'm looking for the weather condition limits (including wind speeds, ...) for H520.
  2. Y

    Rainy weather. Typhoon H Pro First Flight.

  3. X

    Calm before the stormfront

    Had to get a quick flight before the storm front hit us.
  4. Capt. Overview

    How "waterproof" is the Typhoon H?

    OK, I live in Oregon, and as you might imagine, we have a reason for a rainy reputation: it rains. Sometimes for long stretches. Can anyone tell me how "rainproof" the H is? The top section is clearly open-air to keep the innards cool while flying, and I'm just going to assume that all those...
  5. P

    UAV Forecast Ideal Settings for Q500 :) Help me!

    Hi Everyone I Have a Q500 4K. I'm new on the forum, nice to meet you guys! Can help me with the ideal "Threshold Settings" for UAV Forecast APP, I really appreciate your time! Thanks!! Max wind: 12MPH Wind altitude: ???? Min Wind chill: ??? Max Precip prob: ???? Max Cloud cover: ???? Min...