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1.5.10 firmware now live!!!!!


Premium Pilot
Aug 19, 2017
Reaction score
Today January 18, 2019 the update 1.5.10 has been published.

New Features
  • Support for E10T thermal camera
  • Support for return to controller
  • E90 digital zoom up to 8x
  • Support for DataPilot crash logging
  • Support for terrain following
  • Support for concave polygon missions
  • Yaw stick deadzone and exponential curve

Improvements and Fixes
  • Arming without propellers now still spins 5 out of 6 motors instead of none
  • More detailed logging of motor faults
  • Brake at waypoint in mission if stop is required
  • Fixed slow landing detection problems
  • Vehicle can stuck in a waypoint during mission
  • Fixed altitude lock during mission
  • Startup tune chopped up when updating drone
  • Compass calibration now also works after a flight
  • Increased maximum distance between waypoints from 900m to 4000m
These two functions, although included in the announcement of the update, have not been included although work has been done on them. We will gut them and test them exhaustively :p

Lets the H520 circle around the Pilot/Remote Control in a user defined distance, always pointing the camera to the center of the circle.

Region of Interest (ROI) allows the user to set a point of interest, for which the camera will stay focused.


Flight Control H520 -------------> v1.8.0-1.5.11​
E50 ----------------------------------------> v1.1.06​
E90 ----------------------------------------> v1.0.56​
ET ------------------------------------------> v0.2.14​
Gimbal -----------------------------------> v2.40.3​
DataPilot Android ------------------> v1.5.0.1​
DataPilot Desktop ------------------> v1.5.0.0​
UpdatePilot ----------------------------> v1.5.03​

Update tips (thanks to all) :

(Terrence Davison) Change ST16S HDMI image output: In the options, general tab, HDMI output, that through the HDMI connector we see the control interface or the image of the camera without it.
(Bigboybuzz) Zoom fuction: pinch two fingers on the screen and the zoom function is enabled
(10-8) POI/ROI function: ROI is a WP function in the mapping screen. The circle command can be brought up by tapping on the map while flying. (Kev Waite) Take off, open the map view, tap on the map where you want your POI. A pop up opens asking if you want to fly to that point or orbit that point. A circle appears that you can change the size of and you can reposition the POI. When your happy you have to swipe the screen to confirm and the h520 flies to the edge of the circle and starts the POI. You can change speed and direction using the Aileron stick and decrease the size of the circle using the elevator stick. You cannot increase the size of the circle beyond the size you created on the map. You have to edit that on the map page. Once the POI has started you can go to the normal camera view page and also adjust camera angle.
(Graham) Orbit POI again worked very well. The aileron stick controls the direction and speed of the orbit, elevator changes the size of the orbit. Push forward to make the orbit smaller, pull back to expand the orbit. The orbit display on the ST16S changes in turn and the orbit can be expanded beyond the size first selected. Throttle changes the altitude of the flight.
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I'm going to put all the new functions of this update and how to use them, as we go finding them and discovering how they work.
  • Support for return to controller
    Under options, Safety tab, Return Home Settings section. You can set it to return to the takeoff point or to go to the ST16S or GCS (Ground Control Station) position.
  • E90 digital zoom up to 8x
    In an area without controls, where we see the image of the camera of the E90 in the ST16S, pinch two fingers on the screen.
  • Support for terrain following
    When we create a mission we can make the H520 follow the terrain, a very useful function. We only have to activate the option Vehicle follows terrain. You can set the security altitude range and the maximum ascent and descent speed. Very good function. Thank you very much Yuneec, well done :D:D:D:D:D (Enabling this option disables the possibility of making a cross grid).
  • Support for concave polygon missions
  • Yaw stick deadzone and exponential curve
  • Brake at waypoint in mission if stop is required
  • Vehicle can stuck in a waypoint during mission
  • Fixed altitude lock during mission
  • POI/ROI support
    Region of Interest (ROI) allows the user to set a point of interest, for which the camera will stay focused. We establish the ROI and the height at which it is found. We can establish the height with respect to the Home, AMSL or AGL. This way of setting the height also applies to Waypoints making them now 3D Waypoints.
  • Orbit flight
    Take off, open the map view, tap on the map where you want your POI. A pop up opens asking if you want to fly to that point or orbit that point. A circle appears that you can change the size of and you can reposition the POI. When your happy you have to swipe the screen to confirm and the h520 flies to the edge of the circle and starts the POI. You can change speed and direction using the Aileron stick and decrease the size of the circle using the elevator stick. You cannot increase the size of the circle beyond the size you created on the map. You have to edit that on the map page. Once the POI has started you can go to the normal camera view page and also adjust camera angle.
I've noticed that satellite reception has improved. In the same position as always and when before I did not receive enough signal, now I receive signal from time to time and it remains stable at times. I don't know if it's because of the time of year, it will be a matter of observing it more times.

It has happened to me 2 times, changing the configuration of the camera, the parameters of photo and video, the application has crashed. DataPilot is restarted and re-establishes the connection with the H520.

When we add a new set of offline maps, another one is created with the surname "Elevation". I think it's a way to save the elevations that are going to be used with the terrain following function separately.

I don't know if it has changed in this version, but when you lose communication with the H520 or simply turn it off, the ST16S doesn't connect to the wifi data network you usually connect to. Previously it did it automatically. If we look more closely, the two wifi networks, the data and the E90 are set to Disable, which forces you to deactivate the wifi and re-activate it so it can connect to the data again.

When we create missions we can make them round or polygonal. We have added the option to eliminate vertices in the contextual menu. We can also load missions previously created in KML or SHaPe files.

Creating missions, on the Center button we have more options. We can focus the view on the mission we are creating, on all the elements we have created, on the home page, on the H520, on the current position of the ST16S or on a specific location for which we will have to set the coordinates.

Creating missions, in the button Plan we can save Waypoints routes as KML. We have also added the button to delete the mission stored in the H520.

When we modify a mission, two options have been added that will greatly reduce the creation time. Now to choose the point of entry and exit of the mission we have a button that rotates by all the external points, much faster and visual that to select it in a drop-down list. Also, and this I liked very much because I insisted on asking for its complementation, is that now to determine the orientation or angle of the Trancests, can be done with a slider. This will save a lot of time in determining the correct orientation and thus save mission time. Thank you very much Yuneec, well done :D:D:D:D

If you see that I have put something wrong, please comment.
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Hi mr Arruntus... on Yuneec. com, there’s nothing yet about this new firmware...did u take it fm USA location...?!? I’m in Italy and it’s not available yet... thanks for information, anyway...
That's why it said they haven't officially published it yet. It is published on a page intended for official distributors. In short, throughout today, or at most tomorrow, they will make it official and publish it on all pages (at least they have always done so). The most normal thing is that we already have more information and I will be putting or changing what I have put so far.

Then between all of us, we will be shelling and many times, for lack of official information, we will be discovering all the changes that there are in this update.

The hairs like nails, which nerves, many things long awaited we have already here :p:p:p:p:p
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I believe it’s always good to initiate a new thread to announce and discuss a new firmware version. Doing so makes it a lot easier to focus on version improvements or new bugs that might have been introduced.

Threads that contain numerous firmware version discussions become hopelessly disorganized and bloated with comparison posts much too quickly and are very hard to follow. What might be beneficial would be to see threads limited to only the latest and the one previous firmware versions for discussion/comparison with separate threads covering “how to’s” for downgrading to older firmware if a need or desire presented themselves.

Relative to this latest version it appears Yuneec is definitely moving in the right direction and delivering tools long overdue to 520 owners. The platform just gained considerable relevance in a very competitive market.
Glad it is finally published. No issues so far. Note that in this version, camera tracks well in orbit but only for the initial position. If you change radius or height while in orbit mode, you will need to adjust the camera tilt. Not a big deal, just a heads up so you know while flying.
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Glad it is finally published. No issues so far. Note that in this version, camera tracks well in orbit but only for the initial position. If you change radius or height while in orbit mode, you will need to adjust the camera tilt. Not a big deal, just a heads up so you know while flying.

Can be understood, by your words, that it is going to be changed in future versions and it is going to be an automatic process of readjustment to point to a POI?
I do not want to distort this thread that deals with the current update, but this information is very interesting, anything that is improve is welcome, thank you :)
That's why it said they haven't officially published it yet. It is published on a page intended for official distributors. In short, throughout today, or at most tomorrow, they will make it official and publish it on all pages (at least they have always done so). The most normal thing is that we already have more information and I will be putting or changing what I have put so far.

Then between all of us, we will be shelling and many times, for lack of official information, we will be discovering all the changes that there are in this update.

The hairs like nails, which nerves, many things long awaited we have already here :p:p:p:p:p

Sorry and it’s already available on the air but I cannot updated anyway... the controller keep on saying if i want install a new pilot updater but after a while it stops cause a conflict for another packet with same name... it’s an oddity, cause I updated 3 times in the same conditions , but never happened things similar... any advice for this unknown issue..?!? Thanks a lot anyway , pilot
Sorry and it’s already available on the air but I cannot updated anyway... the controller keep on saying if i want install a new pilot updater but after a while it stops cause a conflict for another packet with same name... it’s an oddity, cause I updated 3 times in the same conditions , but never happened things similar... any advice for this unknown issue..?!? Thanks a lot anyway , pilot

It is not the first time that a release of an update can cause problems in its installation. Hence, that I personally, usually wait a little to do so. I imagine that you have tried with OTA, sometimes to skip this lock is usually no choice but to update by hand. But tomorrow, the morning light, will push us all to proceed in the best way ;)
I’m having the same thing keeps telling me the updater is conflicting with another version.

The camera and gimbal has updated though to new versions
Before updating, just uninstall current DP and then do the update. There is just an issue with the sig version and android is giving a message that there is already a newer version installed.
All updated, but cannot see where you would enable POI from the main flight screen in datapilot. I can see something about ROI on the mapping, survey, mission page. Maybe it appears after take off?
All updated, but cannot see where you would enable POI from the main flight screen in datapilot. I can see something about ROI on the mapping, survey, mission page. Maybe it appears after take off?
ROI is a WP function in the mapping screen. The circle command can be brought up by tapping on the map while flying.
Before updating, just uninstall current DP and then do the update. There is just an issue with the sig version and android is giving a message that there is already a newer version installed.

Lotta thanks for advicing me
Lotta thanks for advicing me

Both of u Bigboybuzz and 10-8... probably without yr tips, i’d be still thinking the way to eliminate the issue... it has been easy erasing last version of data pilot so no more conflict ‘ bout stupid machinery argue.... i think this updating has been very heavy for the old chips of the controller.... at first, i’ was convinced to use it as an ipad but k realized very soon that I would have been known: it was only a thing told to sell several St 16 s.... now all of us know that YUNEEC advice peopleof not loading apps too... everybody can come to conclusions by himself.... hope this updating will be useful for us... keep on flying safely pilots...always..!

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