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Appropriate anti-collision lighting

Jun 28, 2016
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
I've seen it before but I can't seem to remember where it was,

can somebody help me with appropriate anti-collision lighting and more importantly how to add them to my H :)?

I am a sunrise junkie and wish to try my hand at capturing some. Any advice on camera setting and technique would be appreciated as well!
My FSDO told my this past Tuesday when I was picking up my sUAS certificate that the lights that come on most copters like our Hs are fine.
I and a few other here use these...STROBON Standalone - Flytron no wiring needed, usb charged batteries, 3W led strobe. I've one white facing forward and just under the power button, and a red one looking up just below the GPS unit..adds that extra bit of awareness should ever it be needed..
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The H already has the lighting mostly correct. Red on the left, green on the right, white fore and aft, red beacon top, and bottom if desired. Strobes white. To meet legal requirements they must be visible for three miles.
The H already has the lighting mostly correct. Red on the left, green on the right, white fore and aft, red beacon top, and bottom if desired. Strobes white. To meet legal requirements they must be visible for three miles.
FSDO said because rotor craft drones fly sideways and backwards and rotate that they didn't need standard "Airplane" airplane position indicator lighting Green on right Red on the left.
In most cases it is
The Typhoons, or the DJI drones lighting should suffice as per my local FSDO.
I just sent an email to the FAA national office asking for clarification.
I added a strobe front and rear so I can keep the H in view when I'm out past 1500'. I just use a Flytron strobe and a small battery from one of my quads. Everything is mounted with velcro.20160830_164822.jpg 20160830_164833.jpg
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Nice job @Steve Carr,

2 problems, 1) would the strobe cause issues with camera in low light and 2) now after seeing your pic I gotta go get me some tater chips!
In low light I can certain see the strobe would reflect back from any particulates in the air. I use these primarily for daylight filming. At night the lights on the H are sufficient and now those can be turned off with the new firmware, at least long enough to grab some shots.
I'll share the chips.
FSDO said because rotor craft drones fly sideways and backwards and rotate that they didn't need standard "Airplane" airplane position indicator lighting Green on right Red on the left.

Tell that to the full scale helicopter owners.
Tell that to the full scale helicopter owners.
These are not full size helicopters.
And the regulations state anticollision lights. Not position lights.

107.29 Daylight operation.

(b) No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft system during periods of civil twilight unless the small unmanned aircraft has lighted anti-collision lighting visible for at least 3 statute miles. The remote pilot in command may reduce the intensity of the anti-collision lighting if he or she determines that, because of operating conditions, it would be in the interest of safety to do so

Under Part 91.205 it states
An approved aviation red or aviation white anticollision light system

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

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