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CGO-ET camera not working after firmware update

May 18, 2022
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I bought a brand new CGO-ET camera for my drone and it was working until I updated the firmware. Immediately after connecting the camera to the drone, I went to check for updates on the UpdatePilot app. An update started downloading for the camera and asked me to insert the SD card in the camera to continue. I did so, and after a bit of time, it asked me to restart the drone and wait until a green LED flashes and if it didn't, that I should repeat the process. I waited a long time and repeated the process a few times, however the green LED never flashed. Now when I turn the drone on, the camera WIFI doesn't show up for 5 minutes and sometimes longer and when it does connect with the station, there is only feed from the thermal camera and not the HD camera. How can I proceed to revert back to the old firmware? I tried deleting the files from the camera's memory card but that didn't help.
I see, there actually is one different thing between my old CGO-ET and my new one. The old one I used on my H520 had the sides of the gimbal that hold the camera with the CGOet text in a reflective circle, whereas the new one has them in a black non reflective circle. Does this indicate a possible difference?
The camera firmware is compatible between the H480 version and the H520. It's the gimbal firmware that is different, and you did not mention any problems with the gimbal. If there were/are no gimbal problems, you were probably sold the correct camera.
I'm not at all sure what the problem might be. I would suggest trying to reload the camera firmware, using a different firmware source.

I do not have an H520 or CGO-ET available to verify the following file or guidance is correct. I would wait for someone to confirm this is correct.
  • Download and extract the zip file.
  • copy the file to a freshly formatted SD card. (Smaller SD cards and Fat 32 seems to work best.)
  • You may have to rename cgoet_gb_0.0.35_E_firmware.bin to just firmware.bin. Not sure.
  • Put the SD card in the camera.
  • Ensure controller is NOT powered up.
  • Power up the camera
  • Wait at least 5 minutes before checking if update was successful.


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I did the above and tried both with the original firmware name and renamed to firmware.bin but got no results. When I power the drone on, 2 purple LED's blink, I don't know if this information will help.
The camera firmware is compatible between the H480 version and the H520. It's the gimbal firmware that is different, and you did not mention any problems with the gimbal. If there were/are no gimbal problems, you were probably sold the correct camera.
I'm not at all sure what the problem might be. I would suggest trying to reload the camera firmware, using a different firmware source.

I do not have an H520 or CGO-ET available to verify the following file or guidance is correct. I would wait for someone to confirm this is correct.
  • Download and extract the zip file.
  • copy the file to a freshly formatted SD card. (Smaller SD cards and Fat 32 seems to work best.)
  • You may have to rename cgoet_gb_0.0.35_E_firmware.bin to just firmware.bin. Not sure.
  • Put the SD card in the camera.
  • Ensure controller is NOT powered up.
  • Power up the camera
  • Wait at least 5 minutes before checking if update was successful.
It might be the wrong camera after all. I just noticed that when I go to discover camera WIFI's on the station, my other CGOET camera shows as cgoet2 followed by a letter and numbers whereas this new one shows up as cgoet, followed by a letter and numbers.

So now there are 2 differences between my old (working) and new (non-working) cameras.
1. One shows as cgoet and the other as cgoet2
2. One has the sides of the gimbal that hold the camera with the CGOet text in a reflective circle and the other one has them in a black non reflective circle.

I found another topic in the forum that discusses using the wrong cameras on these drones and that they work until you update them. This might actually be a camera for the H480 after all.
Either way I am curious about what you think. It sucks because we use these drones for solar farm inspections and the fact that one doesn't, costs us.
Please list the actual SSID you are seeing with each camera. The combination of letters and numbers should be the last 6 digits of the camera's MAC address.

Probably not a CGOET and a CGOET2, but a CGOETxxxxxx and a CGOET2xxxxx for SSID.
Please list the actual SSID you are seeing with each camera. The combination of letters and numbers should be the last 6 digits of the camera's MAC address.

Probably not a CGOET and a CGOET2, but a CGOETxxxxxx and a CGOET2xxxxx for SSID.
Yes, my old camera's SSID is: CGOET2_A20032 and the new one is: CGOET_C20027
Please list the actual SSID you are seeing with each camera. The combination of letters and numbers should be the last 6 digits of the camera's MAC address.

Probably not a CGOET and a CGOET2, but a CGOETxxxxxx and a CGOET2xxxxx for SSID.
So was I sold the wrong camera for the H520?
If that is the case, that suck!! I hope that you will receive a refund?
except it was working before doing a firmware update that was queued by UpdatePilot.

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