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Christmas is the Best Time for Drones

Sep 4, 2018
Reaction score
Lamesa Texas
I haven't been flying much recently. Due to my hectic schedule and our unpredictable weather, I damaged my only battery. I had charged it with plans to fly it that night, then a sandstorm blew in, for the next few nights I worked long days. Overall, I ended up with a battery on the charger for over a week.

This happened twice.

Needless to say, I had lowered my battery's performance to about 7 minutes and it was kinda scary because if I went for a short burst at top speed after a few minutes of flying, the H would stop responding to controls for a couple of seconds and start with the toilet bowl. I was always able to regain control though. I had all but lost my passion for flying, which sucks, because I'm still new and learning. I was getting ready to sell my H.

Anyway, my wife got me a new battery for Christmas and I'm wondering why I haven't gotten one after I learned my lesson on the first one.

Now, I'd never fly at night without the proper strobes attached to my H, but if I had, I imagine flying it around my neighborhood with all of the Christmas light shows would make for some awesome video on a camera that performs surprisingly well at night.

Or so I've heard...

Since I've gotten back to it, and honed my piloting skills by flying my son's holy stone indoors with the ceiling fans running, I've started experimenting with my old battery and I'm starting to see an increase in flying time. Just yesterday, I got it to 8.5 minutes and I was running it up and down at full speed along with flying it around the neighborhood at full speed. Maybe there's hope, I dunno.

I plan on getting a better charger for it, so I can charge more than one battery at once and another couple of batteries. My son is really getting into it, so who knows, maybe we'll end up building a quad together.

I just wanted to pop in and say thank you to all of you for the wisdom you've shared on this board and the product reviews that you've done to help guys like me who are new to the hobby.
The thread below has some good discussion and suggestions for chargers:

Battery Storage / Chargers

UltraX batteries are a good replacement for the OEM Typhoon H batteries, however please note, that there are recent reports of issues... but they seem to be specific to one Amazon reseller:

UltraX Rapid Voltage Drop

As far as your existing battery, you do not mention any swelling... if there is no swelling, but you are still getting short flight times, I would suggest you proceed with getting 2 UltraX replacements.

Keep the current OEM battery you have and use it for only non-flight functions... doing calibrations, sitting on the ground to download the GPS almanac, checking and recording camera settings, etc.

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