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Cooling vents over the motherboard.

May 7, 2016
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Gurdon, Ar
I have been looking at my TH. I have noticed that there are not any scoop type cooling vents over the main body of my Th. Has anyone else thought about this? If this is a problem with this drone then that needs to be addressed .
Thom, I was thinking about mounting one of these on my H, What do you think? Too Flashy ! LOL ! :eek:

I saw a post on this forum from another member who had 3-d printed a 'scoop'. The only issue I can see is that it may allow excess air into the frame and components like the baro may not like that as these can be quite sensitive to wind directly on them.
I saw a post on this forum from another member who had 3-d printed a 'scoop'. The only issue I can see is that it may allow excess air into the frame and components like the baro may not like that as these can be quite sensitive to wind directly on them.

The person your talking about the 3d printed scoop was me. I have yet t install the STI style scoopinn.jpg
I'd be worried about sucking moisture and debris into the delicate electronics.

You can get heat sensitive stickers that show the maximum temperature they've been subject to. It might be an idea to track which components on the main board are actually getting hot before planning what to do about it. A heat sink on the chips, or even one bolted through the lid might be more effective and not run the risk of upsetting the barometer or letting stuff get into the works.
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Main reason I might do the vent is that I was the first reported case where the IMU broke. Yuneec refused to sell me one. But Frank from Carolina front was able to help me out. The IMU is very very sensitive to heat mine broke when I was flying in social weather of 100 degree
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Forcing air into the body will increase pressure which will set the barometer read off. It will probably make it gain altitude as it travels forward, since it will think it is loosing altitude because of the increase in pressure.
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For the last two weeks since the middle September firmware update, I have noticed a slight warm or hot wire smell coming from my TH. I don't think this is a good thing since if it's getting hot I am afraid the components on the motherboard could be affected and I could have a flyway.
putting scoops on your H will void your warrantee or whats left on it . any thing that gets in to the scoop is not coming out i don't think a scoop is the answer yuneec should have placed a heat sink on any electronic component that produces over heating .
Forcing air into the body will increase pressure which will set the barometer read off. It will probably make it gain altitude as it travels forward, since it will think it is loosing altitude because of the increase in pressure.
It will lose altitude because the FC "thinks" it is higher, so compensates to go lower; common problem in every craft using a barometer for altitude control. Been down this road before. There are parameters in Arducopter that can be played with to correct, but it is trial and error. A mechanical solution is most desired.
Effects of frame design on barometer performance ( and all other non 3.3 specific AC questions)

Where is the baro on the H? I haven't thought about messing with anything on it.
Good info glider thanks for the input
I have been looking at my TH. I have noticed that there are not any scoop type cooling vents over the main body of my Th. Has anyone else thought about this? If this is a problem with this drone then that needs to be addressed .

I don't see any scoop type stuff on other Uav's - brands that is, but the vents on the H should be enough to allow confection heat out , you are not always flying forward so I do not see how a scoop is the answer..maybe cutting more vents in the H -- I ordered a spare lid to see how it could be done and it doesn't look like a piece of cake without the right tools -- you have to cut thru the copper / padding and then add dust cloth on top of that -- Its over my head :)
Best way to vent HEAT is with vent holes right above the heat source. Best to just let it out into the open air. Either way would void the warranty and allow dust debris inside.
Can this be shipped to the US from the UK or should we look for something here in the US ?

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