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FirmWare for the wizard.

May 7, 2016
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Gurdon, Ar
well it's on the Yuneec site. Have you updated yet?
No, didn't know about it, so went straight there and selected standard file and it just fills the screen with garbage, may its just busy will try later...
thanks for the heads up
I thought this was for the old wizard not the ones that came with the TH but I could be wrong
I thought this was for the old wizard not the ones that came with the TH but I could be wrong

Just talked to Frank from Carolina Dronz and asked him if the newer ones need updating to, he assured me no. This is only if you have the older ones before the H started shipping to make them compatible.
This should have been in Yuneecs instructions but like always they leave stuff out for us to figure out.
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Just talked to Frank from Carolina Dronz and asked him if the newer ones need updating to, he assured me no. This is only if you have the older ones before the H started shipping to make them compatible.
This should have been in Yuneecs instructions but like always they leave stuff out for us to figure out.
I thought that might be the case as all the new features the update was to give I already have on my wizard.

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