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Fly away

Jun 15, 2018
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after 4 flights my Breeze took off right at take off. Went to theb3 feet hold. Increases altitude quickly and do not respond to landing or any other commands. Flew away in a slight wind and can not find it.
Go to this thread Guide to Analyzing Breeze Cam FlightLogs - Your Data is Needed and download the Guide. Once you do, use the instructions to get the flight logs on your computer. Select all of the flight log files and create a zip file containing them. Then use the ‘Upload a File’ button to post it here and we will see if the flyaway can be explained.

You should also contact Yuneec and file a service request. They will also require the flight logs.
We are continually faced with three options when we read stories like this: 1) operator error or 2) drone failure or 3) some interference caused the issue.

Which was it this time? We don’t know.

Do you have any idea? As it was the 4th flight I’ll sssume no operator error. (Also I’ll asdume you were flying in the same location on all flights). As it was the 4th flight in the same location I’ll assume no interference as this would of happened sooner than the 4th flight. Thus leaves some mechanical / electrical failure in the Breeze, but this seems unlikely as it worked fine for 3 flights.

I’m at a loss for a good answer. We know something happened but we’ll never know what.

Perhaps you can analyze and let us know your thoughts. ???

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