K, got my H back from support yesterday. I conduct the Compass and Accel calibration, taking into effect being in an open field away from electronics. I start to fly, it fly's great then I go to land and it starts going crazy. I get a hard land and flip, break another prop. Battery done.. Ive been noticing that this happens when my battery is at 4.7v and lower.
Charged battery and tried again today. Conduct the Accel in my house on the floor which is stained concrete and flat. Flew again ok until the battery got to 4.7v and it started to toilet bowl and then tried to land and it did the bounce flip again. I am at a loss, I did notice that my Altitude at the end was showing a minus feet when I was up about 6' high when landing. I had the Purple and white led flashing too. Don't know what the issue is? Its going back to Support again for the second time..
Link to video that shows the circle pattern then crash.
Telemetry File attached, at pg 277 it has the extended to the right info. for some reason I couldn't get Excel to upload here so changed it to a PDF.
Charged battery and tried again today. Conduct the Accel in my house on the floor which is stained concrete and flat. Flew again ok until the battery got to 4.7v and it started to toilet bowl and then tried to land and it did the bounce flip again. I am at a loss, I did notice that my Altitude at the end was showing a minus feet when I was up about 6' high when landing. I had the Purple and white led flashing too. Don't know what the issue is? Its going back to Support again for the second time..
Link to video that shows the circle pattern then crash.
Telemetry File attached, at pg 277 it has the extended to the right info. for some reason I couldn't get Excel to upload here so changed it to a PDF.
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