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At this rate it might be faster for me to order one, wait for it to arrive and fly it to Australia and hand it over than having to wait for the normal distribution channels to get it there.
I didn't know much about hobby shops so I missed one which is just 40 min drive from my place (not that I do now). Obviously they did not advertised well on the web cause I would spot one. The only downside is I have to pay for a delivery. However in April they all stated availability is mid-May. I wanted this bird for my hunting trip which I had earlier this month in NSW and I tell you this place is a paradise for flying a drone, flat no trees just a small bush and horizon all around you on 100 km. I can only imagine chasing kangaroo with this thing or racing with Emu...
They are with the shipping company in Victoria. Waiting on a release bit of of paper from Yuneec.
Courier is on stand by and I'm chaffing at the bit.
Only getting two of three ordered....... Sorry Chris;)

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