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Q500 G

Dec 17, 2017
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I have a Q500 G. ST10+ has been defaulted. There are no longer 'G' options in the ST10+. Can't find ANY software/firmware to get it running. I am a hopeless brick. ANYONE know where to find the programming needed? Thanks tunz... Rodan
I do have the MK58, the original GoPro gimbal and a GoPro 4 but I had so much difficulty connecting the Camera I 'reset' the system. For models, I only have the Typhoon+, Typhoon 4k and the Chroma options. I can select the 4k and see a gopro camera option. But I do not have the user/password. I'll somehow have to by pass that data. Thanks so much for your response.
Thanks again. I did consort my manual for the 123456789. I also saw somewhere in my searches the 12345678. Neither work for me. Again, when I go to the 'Model Select' I do not have a Gopro in there, Just Typhoon+, 4K and Chroma, That's why I though that there may be a firmware update that includes the Gopro model. You mentioned the st10+v01b30c firmware. I do seem to have that and EVERYWHERE I go the downloads links are dead or do not include Gopro stuff.
Again, when I go to the 'Model Select' I do not have a Gopro in there, Just Typhoon+, 4K and Chroma..
That's normal. The GoPro is a camera selection. The "Model Select" is to select the drone model, not the camera model.

The fact you got as far as needing a password implies the bind screen is seeing something. I am not sure if it is seeing the Go-Pro itself or if it is seeing the MK58. Can you send a photo of the bind screen with the selection showing?
Thanks again. I did consort my manual for the 123456789. I also saw somewhere in my searches the 12345678. Neither work for me.
It is possible to change the password on most Yuneec cameras. It may be possible to change/reset it on the MK58 using the same method. The following guidance was written for a CG03 but you can try the same thing on the MK58. Be sure to install the SD card into the MK58, not the GoPro.
Edit: @Rodan reported in post #9 below that the SD card does go in the GoPro.
Camera Password Change / Reset
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I will look at this. I have changed passwords before on my 4k machines. I do remember that my 4k camera needed files 'on the camera' to be recognized. I'll try some of that. Sure appreciate all the help. I'll let you know how it goes.
Solved it!!! Thanks for all your ponderances. The full setup needs to see the wireless index files 'on the camera in a folder labelled "MISC" which contains the wireless.config file. Clicking on that will display the password. The default 4k password is "1234567890" Still not sure what the default Gopro password is but it doesn't matter. As long as you can install that wireless command to the card you insert into the Gopro the password can be changed to whatever you like. Thanks again for your attentions... Imo go fly.
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Data files on SD card in the GoPro will not help. MK58 has only an input for the video stream, no access to SD card.

The behavior described above is valid for CGO3 and CGO3+. The MISC folder and the WiFi config file will be created automatically when you insert an fresh formatted SD card.
Only if you want to change (or have done in the past!) the WiFi password different to default you need edit the WiFi config file on SD card.
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