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Quick release props anyone? Yup, they have arrived!

Aug 31, 2016
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Just to give you guys a quick update if you hadn't already seen this, they have been around for a little while but not commercially available until now.......

H920 quick release prop mounts!

Looks like we are going to have to buy a set for each A and B props but hey, who cares right! Ill be contacting Yuneec Uk tomorrow and ordering first thing! No more fiddling round with bloody screws woohoo!!!
Ordered mine today from Yuneec UK (along with two more batteries) should be with me on Monday, i will let you all know what they are like and ill post some pics :)
Arrived today, going to be fitting them in the next few days, got a job tomorrow and wanted to test fly with them before i take them out into the field :)

Yeah, its amazing how quickly i can now deploy the H920 when im out on a shoot! Easy to fit (after a bit of mucking about with screw sizes) but work really well!

Well, Thursday i got my H920 back. It took 7,5 months to get it back. I think my dealer made some major mistakes in handling my damages and that they completely forgot to sent it to Yuneec Germany. It took a lot of e-mailing and telling them my lawyer would sew them..... to make them do anything.
However, it is now back and repaired completely.
I used this afternoon to install the quick release prop mounts. Not so difficult to do. Indeed watch out with the screws, those with a washer are to be used for the props. Without a washer go on the motor rotating mount. Once i discoverd that i was ready with in half an hour with all motorlegs.. Fitting of the props still goes a bit stiff, but that will be better in using them.
I hope Yuneec invent also something like that for the retractable legs, still 4 difficult to reach screws when you are in the field....
Further this afternoon i tested the H920 without props to get the feeling of the ST24 back in the fingers. Alle seemed to work well. Tomorrow afternoon i wil test it with the camera (again with no props....) and if all is going well with that to (and the finger feeling with the ST24 is back) i will wait for some good wheather. Hope to fly and make some testing movies next week.
Well, Thursday i got my H920 back. It took 7,5 months to get it back. I think my dealer made some major mistakes in handling my damages and that they completely forgot to sent it to Yuneec Germany.

Good heavens! Over 7 months. I believe I would be calling it more than mistakes. I thought some of our US repairs took much too long if over 2 or 3 weeks. How can that dealer stay in business?

Time for you to have good luck, Jan. :):)
Thanks for your message Rayray, my dealer never responded properly on my questions; asked during this long time a lot of times: where is my H920; mostly answered by: we are on it.......we are pushing Yuneec.......

I suspected they never sent it to Yuneec Germany but lost it somewhere....... Yuneec Germany did not respond my e-mails at all.
So i don't think that Yuneec is to blame, just my dealer. If Yuneec did not have the copter they can't do anything about this long time waiting for a repair.

Bringing up a lawyer made my dealer move suddenly verry quick: "oh, well next week it is here, fully repaired......." as if i brought it in the day before.....

I suspect they repaired it themselves..... I asked for a list (one Yuneec Always attach with repairs with ck blocks and the name of the responsable tech....) what has been rapaired and/or tested, the dealer provided me with a 4 points (and also only for lines !!) list on a complete blank sheet of paper (no Yuneec marks or what so ever on it) with what has been repaired. I had to wait about 15 minutes in the shop before this list was provided from out the office and staff room.....). I am sure they produced the list on the spot there..... Asked for the Yuneec check list; "well, this is what came with it ! ". But i cannot prove that it was produced at the spot. They were verry polite in doing things, answering my questions (but Always blamed Yuneec for the long delay), but i am still verry supersticious about this dealer. My trust in that dealer is below zero and i will never buy anything there.

Anyway, it's back and indeed fully repaired; i will keep on going testing and practising the use of the ST24.
The crash in the tree was entirely my fault and no software problem. Damage was only broken legs and landing gear.
So i have good hope that it will fly good again...... just waiting for good wheather.
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Just to give you guys a quick update if you hadn't already seen this, they have been around for a little while but not commercially available until now.......

H920 quick release prop mounts!

Looks like we are going to have to buy a set for each A and B props but hey, who cares right! Ill be contacting Yuneec Uk tomorrow and ordering first thing! No more fiddling round with bloody screws woohoo!!!

I can't seem to get seller to ship them to the US. Has anyone found a way?
Aaron, have you found a way to ship them yet ?
If not, perhaps i can order them for you and sent them to the US.

Having my H920 back after 7,5 months and my dry tests (no props) in the garden last week, i tested it flying today (still wthout the camera): it went super !!! No problems, flown for about 30 minutes on 3 batteries and doing in the seccond half of the flight a lot of "stunting" (that's what it looks like to me, but Hubsan pilots will think different), and all went verry well...... Nice soft landings, RTH with at 4-5 meters unfolding the landinglegs, rabbit and turtle speed...... no problems at all.....So stable and smooth flying.....
So next tests will be with the camera and movies, i will put here on the forum.

It was so easy with the quick prop mounts to get the props on and off....... i like them verry much, should be available for the Q too.
I'm about to fit the quick releases, got my bird back before the weekend and have the A and B QRs lying around.

@Jan Verhagen and @volanti, since You guys already have them:

- which screws go where and where the heck does the little springs go? :-)

Best regards,


Aaron, have you found a way to ship them yet ?
If not, perhaps i can order them for you and sent them to the US.

Having my H920 back after 7,5 months and my dry tests (no props) in the garden last week, i tested it flying today (still wthout the camera): it went super !!! No problems, flown for about 30 minutes on 3 batteries and doing in the seccond half of the flight a lot of "stunting" (that's what it looks like to me, but Hubsan pilots will think different), and all went verry well...... Nice soft landings, RTH with at 4-5 meters unfolding the landinglegs, rabbit and turtle speed...... no problems at all.....So stable and smooth flying.....
So next tests will be with the camera and movies, i will put here on the forum.

It was so easy with the quick prop mounts to get the props on and off....... i like them verry much, should be available for the Q too.
I'm about to fit the quick releases, got my bird back before the weekend and have the A and B QRs lying around.

@Jan Verhagen and @volanti, since You guys already have them:

- which screws go where and where the heck does the little springs go? :)

Best regards,

Hi Steve,

If you have opened the the package with the quick mount releases, on the inside of the paper is the manual for building them to copter and props.
The springs go over the axels of the motors and fitt in the little square knobs, than screw this together on the motors WITHOUT the screws with washers. The screws WITH the washers go on the props.
I advise a verry little drop of oil on the square knobs (carefull not to leak in the motors, so verry little oil....) so that they move better in and out when putting on the props or taking them off.
It makes it so much easier to handle the H920......

Good luck and happy flying

Thanks @Jan Verhagen. Never crossed my mind to check the wrapping ...
Hahaha..... happened to me too..... they were laying around and i had no clou how to mount them......
only when taking of the cardboard i saw it was folded double with the manual printed on the inside.....
had searched the internet for a manual...... ofcourse no such thing there.......
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Well that's something I never spotted either, managed to get mine on with trial and error (and even told Yuneec UK how to do it). Now I can deploy with ease :)
Searching for a manual on the net for these things was before i opened the wrapping.
Then i remembered that in the Netherlands a lot of blister packs contain a dubble folded cardboard wrapping with on the inside sometimes a manual or data about the content. It is so with batteries, usb sticks, sd cards and a lot of toys.....
So i unfolded the cardboard and there it was.... a small manual.... i was just about to curse Yuneec for the lack of a manual.......

By the way, is there any news yet about any update for hard- or software for our H920 ????

Thought it was announced for end october..... now we are at the end of november.....
Or i must have missed something..... ????

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