HOWTO: Update EU to Standard version, if latest firmware (2.15) is already installed (Adv/Pro ONLY!) for the details (previous Firmware version) for information about how to update to the A version if you have already installed the EU verion (the post describes the previous firmware version).
Follow these steps mentioned in the post (I added step 4):
- Download the A version (TyphoonH_Ver2.21_A.bin) firmware from the Yuneec Homepage.
- Download the attached Zip file in this thread post.
- Unpack the Zip file and put the downloaded firmware (TyphoonH_Ver2.21_A.bin) inside this folder.
- EDIT THE BATCH SCRIPT YOU DOWNLOADED IN THE ZIP FILE for the new firmware version number (see contents of Batch script below)
- Run the batch script, by double clicking the "firmware_patcher_v1.cmd" file.
- The script will output a few informations and a final message: "Done". You can now flash TyphoonH_Ver2.21_A.bin. Have fun!"
Contents of Batch script (for latest firmware version). I have not had the time to do it my self, but I expect it to work.
@Echo OFF
echo #####################################################
echo # #
echo # CGO3+ firmware update from 2.21 (E) to 2.21 (A) #
echo # Patching script v1 #
echo # #
echo #####################################################
if exist TyphoonH_Ver2.21_A.bin (
echo Unzipping firmware..
unzip.exe -q TyphoonH_Ver2.21_A.bin
unzip.exe -q files.zzz
echo Cleaning up #1..
del files.zzz FILE_MD5.txt TyphoonH_Ver2.21_A.bin
echo Renaming CGO3+ firmware..
ren cgo3+gb_3.2.13_LC2_A_firmware_30213.bin cgo3+gb_3.2.13_LC2_A_firmware_30214.bin
echo Compressing firmware #1..
zip.exe -q files.zzz cgo3+gb_3.2.13_LC2_A_firmware_30214.bin CGO3PLUS_V1.22_2016_5_19.yuneec TyphoonH_FC_V1.26_11_8_2016.yuneec TyphoonH_Flow_V1.04_3_25_2016.yuneec
echo Cleaning up #2..
del cgo3+gb_3.2.13_LC2_A_firmware_30214.bin CGO3PLUS_V1.22_2016_5_19.yuneec TyphoonH_FC_V1.26_11_8_2016.yuneec TyphoonH_Flow_V1.04_3_25_2016.yuneec
echo Create a MD5 checksum for the second ZIP archive..
md5.exe -l -n -oFILE_MD5.txt files.zzz
echo Compressing firmware #2..
zip.exe -q TyphoonH_Ver2.21_A.bin files.zzz FILE_MD5.txt
echo Final cleanup..
del files.zzz FILE_MD5.txt
echo Done. You can now flash "TyphoonH_Ver2.21_A.bin". Have fun!
) else (
echo ERROR: Firmware file "TyphoonH_Ver2.21_A.bin" does not exist! Please download the file from Yuneec and put it in this directory!