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Will the Typhoon H ever have a Real time GPS map like DJI has

May 19, 2016
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Ok like that Typhoon H, but there is one thing that I need to have. You know a Phantom 3, that App that DJI using gives you that GPS Google map on the bottom corner. You can switch from the camera to the map in flight and just fly by the map. Yuneec dont have that yet right? or am I missing something. That map is great to fly by.

Now for you people who are going to say something about LOS. I got something to say, even if the Drone is 30 feet away for you, if your looking at the screen its "OUT OF LINE OF SIGHT" Reason your looking at your controller screen or tablet screen not the drone, So back off.
Boy ! aren't we sensitive today !:mad: No it does not have Map Overlay, I enjoyed and used that on my P's alot. Could maybe be up and coming in a future update though?;)
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It would be kind of nice to have. But you really want to talk about dreaming? A system where you can pick single or multiple points on a map, set an altitude for each point and have it fly the program.
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Actually with cable cam mode it has the ability already to fly paths. It is probably not hard to just add the set points by map function.

Give it time, the software will come.
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Actually it could quite easily. There's more than enough board space for Pixhawk or PX4 but Yuneec has consistently not used the system type for some reason. Had they done so their products would easily over shadow everything else in size and class due to a massive expansion in user functionality. Such would also set the stage for users to fully customize their platforms in order to make them more task specific if they desired. For the moment the consumer is being dictated to by the manufacturers, with them saying "We want you to have this, and this, and nothing more".

The consumer thinks manufacturers are reacting to user input as they provide a small increase in performance here and there but the reality the consumer is just having their wallet led to the next purchase every 6 months or so. In most case that new system hasn't been that much more capable than the last and certainly didn't justify retiring the old to bring in the new. However, the H has added enough new functionality to justify a system change due to the gimbal with increases in airspeed. Outside of those the primary differences between the H and a Chroma is the transmitter, folding legs, and a couple more motors. From a technological advancement perspective that's almost nothing.

There's no reason consumers can't have it all but to get there they'll have to stop buying a new system every time some new tiny increases in capability is advertised. They only need to say "this is what we want and we aren't buying a new model until we get it".
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Unfortunately most people are easily led and avoid complex things. Too many other things to do that would be easier.
It would be kind of nice to have. But you really want to talk about dreaming? A system where you can pick single or multiple points on a map, set an altitude for each point and have it fly the program.
Dream no more! Lichie App ! But it's only for DJI I believe !
Hey druiz100, keep it nice..."back off!??" My word, talk about splitting hairs. You claim that glancing at the screen during a flight means it's out of LOS?
I'm not sure about other pilots on here, but I would spend 95% of any flight looking at the craft and it's height, direction & behaviour. It's nearness to trees, people, power lines and the myriad other things that could cause a problem. If I look at the screen briefly, (while hovering) it's to ensure the framing of a view, and then back to the H. The craft during this time is never "Out of line of sight".
That's like saying if glance at your speedometer whilst driving a car, you're driving illegally.
Seriously, don't be so pedantic
Doesn't the Typhoon H really have no map view at all? I mean, it's such a basic feature: seeing on a map where your drone is at any moment. Or am I missing something here?
DJI and most other have had it for ages.
And with regards to putting points on a map and flying, these are waypoints and almost all 3rd party apps for DJI have had this for a long time.
I love the Typhoon H, but no map?
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With no 3G capability the controller seems unlikely to get a maps upgrade, its wifi connection is already tied up with the CGO3+ so you would have to cache any maps in advance. I guess an application that lets you program them at home on a laptop would be nice but otherwise people would find themselves flying off the edge of a cache map too often.
Let's think of a app which will cache the map to work off-line and has a easy api which can be used.
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interesting, topic when you see yuneec release there sdk's out into the domain, I think will well start to see more and more lets not forget we have the bonus of tablet already built in running android......
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Will be awkward for non-techy people since there's no Google Play store or any comeback if you download a dodgy apk file.

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