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  • Today I tried to generate Missionfiles in different way.
    Using DataPilotPlanner generate .plan file, import this in UAV Toolbox and export to CCC ST16S.
    But same result. Drone decending vertical to GND and stop motors. CCC is still active. When restart motors and try to start the HPlus its try to move horizontally towards a waypoint standing on GND. Which means it tips over forward immediately and crashes on propps
    Tuna, I have problem to start a mission created by UAV Toolbox v.3.2.2
    No way to fly a mission, planned with UAV Toolbox with my HPlus.
    The only thing happens after I gave command to start the mission (left hand stick up or down) is,
    the decending of the HPlus vertically downwards to Ground and land.
    I investigated the mission files structure, but cant see a command for this unlike behavior.
    I have a large number of CCC files for the Typhoon H and would like to load them to use for my Typhoon H Plus in UAV Toolbox. Where do I place the CCC files in the android directory in order to make them accessible to UAV Toolbox. BTW, I have version 3.2.2 on my ST-16S.
    UPDATE, I just wanted to let you know, I got a call from Yuneec late last week. They had technical difficulty, but have understood my frustration. They extended the warranty of the unit for another year. I respect their response and wanted to be fair to post good not just bad.
    For a dew days now I have been trying to get UAV Toolbox to reply to my emails, it seems like they do not exist any more? For some reason the App does not work on my ST16 anymore and if I log out it says I have too many devices. Yet I cannot view what is Registered. Time to find another working App with true support.
    Question, in setting up a mission (CCC) in UAV ToolBox what is the default calculated speed of the UAV?
    Distance & Time is calculated using what speed?
    Other than using the stick at mission start can the default speed be changed/adjusted while setting up the CCC on the ST16?
    Tuna, please give us an update to your good app. I would pay extra for Google Maps - BING Maps are so outdated and lack details. Also the user interface could be improved and it would be great if more data was shown during the mission/flight.
    Thanks for your efforts up to now but give us more and charge accordingly.
    FYI I come from the Pixhawk and SOLO environment and have been using SOLEX app which is great. Thanks
    I have downloaded and installed the UAV toolbox on my st16 for my typhoon h although I have GPS lock it will not pick up current location
    As they say. We have a new version. But in the new version I can't find the flight log parser. The program how you can see the position of your flight sticks and how the H moves in all directions with tracks down under. Or do I sometimes wrong?
    When creating a mission, on the ST16 at homr connected to my wifi, the close up view is some times "chopped off" one side or completely "whited out" if zoomed in, yet at the same time, on the ST16 I can load google maps and zoom in clearly much closer without issue. Is there something I have not set right? I can't plan a safe and proper mission without seeing good ground detail.
    Sorry you're having trouble. Sometimes the map can get stuck loading a tile. I'm waiting on a new release from the mapping library to fix this. Zooming out and back in again, or scrolling the map can sometimes fix things.
    tuna i bought uav toolbox in feb. works great but that drone is history thanks to yuneec tecks. So do I need to buy a new download for this new drone
    Nope. Just install and use your registration details and you're good to go! Let me know if you have any problems.
    Howdy, I did not know if you had a page to talk about UAV Toolbox. First love it. I would love a way to pre-plan the CCC on my desktop (easier to work maps with a bigger screen), I there a way to connect via the website or a downloadable app that can save the file that we can upload to the ST-16? Just a thought, thanks for the great app, now if we can get them to allow the CCC to trigger the camera.
    Hi Tuna, contacting you to ask you to delete files YUN00014.tif and YUN00008.tif from Thermal Image Editor. I uploaded the wrong jpegs. (too small).
    Looking forward to trying the editor. Nice work, thanks for sharing
    Kai ([email protected])
    Just a quick question I updated my uav toolbox today and it is the first time that I have seen you can add equipment but it is all grayed out if I am on summaries I can click on equipment but add and share is grayed out also, i am online and can see all of my media and stuff on my PC so all is working except adding a controller or equipment . any thoughts on what I may be doing wrong?
    You might need to log out and log in again - the app occasionally fails to pick up the data it needs from the server. Let me know if that helps.
    Tim Lindsey
    Tim Lindsey
    I will try that. thank you for your quick reply.
    I will let you know
    I loaded the UAV Toolbox on the ST-16... how do I switch between satallite and standard map images when viewing flights??
    I can only can select vector map... I see Bing but can not select it. Do I need to download something else??
    No, there is nothing that should be stopping you from selecting Bing. I'll take a look at it today, but that's just a menu item.
    never mind... this is to funny, I just asked by 13 year old to try tapping the bing prompt and his little finger got it... thnx
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    got loaded again but it will not let me sign in says the email address is already being used. oh I did get the 10.00 dollars back. Once I get registered I will pay again for sure.
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