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107 what does it take to get one

Jun 2, 2018
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Wondering what’s the best way to get 107 for flying drone to make money. On line course? Books? Video?
One on one? Opinions welcome!
I don't think there is a best way but perhaps I am wrong. I think some do better in a classroom type situation, others may like on-line courses and yet others prefer to get into it 'the old fashion way'; by learning on their own. You will find all of those types here on this board. I can tell you this, if you currently hold a rating or have in the past, you already have much of the knowledge but may need a refresher. But if you've never been an FAA certified pilot, you may or may not be expecting what the 107 requires of you. Here is a hint; it has nothing to do with flying a drone but it has everything to do with operating in the same airspace as all general aviation in the United States.;)

I was in the latter category, having never been a general aviation pilot so; I decided if I was going to do this, I wanted to get as deep into it as need be to get a true understanding for it. And for this reason I choose to self study, at my own pace until I felt I had a real handle on the knowledge I was supposed to have. All of the information needed to study and pass the 107 can be found on the FAA website. I guess it just come down to the individual as to which route to go. Good Luck.
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Wondering what’s the best way to get 107 for flying drone to make money. On line course? Books? Video?
One on one? Opinions welcome!

I self studied for the test. The exam is tailored 60% knowledge 40% charting. Spend more MORE and SOME More time on learning your charts in the Pilot Airmen Handbook. Mantra: “Charting, charting, charting”

Here are my resources.

1) The FAA

2) Rupprecht Law
Drone Attorney and Legal Assistance -

3) This video was made a year after I took my test
and it help me fresh’n up for my renewal. It also helped others.
Here's a Free Study Guide for Passing the FAA's Commercial Drone Test

Make a goal. Mine was Two Twenty Two “The Angels number” lol

I studied for 2hrs each day, completed the materials in 2 weeks. The following day after the completion of my studies, drove to the local airport who ducted the exam, and on February 2, 2016 (I passed 90%)

I have friends “The Kool Kids” who studied via online, because some online classes guarantees that if you fail, they will refund your exam fee (none failed) and if I had known, I would have taken the online study route, but I passed on my first exam. Again CHART CHART CHART....

Best of luck.
I will second what record.play.rewind said. I took the Part 107 test a few days ago and passed it after self-study, using the Rupprecht Law site and the references he provides. It's an excellent resource. And when record.play.rewind (sorry, I don't know your actual name) says "CHART CHART CHART", he's not kidding. Interpreting sectional charts is a big part of the test AND one of the primary resources you'll use when you're going to fly in a new area.

On a related note, one of the things I realized after studying for the Part 107 test, researching drone laws in the states I'll be flying, and reading through a lot of forum and blog posts, was that passing the 107 cert exam itself means squat, really. It just allows you to fly as a non-hobbyist. Practically, I think it's going to take me a few months of preparation, further research and planning, and tons of practice before I'm going to be at a point where I will even think about offering services commercially to the general public. So, my additional advice as a complete rookie at this, I admit, is not to jump headfirst into printing business cards and cold-calling potential clients the day after you get your 107 certificate ;)

What I've learned so far shows me how little I know!
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I will second what record.play.rewind said. I took the Part 107 test a few days ago and passed it after self-study, using the Rupprecht Law site and the references he provides. It's an excellent resource. And when record.play.rewind (sorry, I don't know your actual name) says "CHART CHART CHART", he's not kidding. Interpreting sectional charts is a big part of the test AND one of the primary resources you'll use when you're going to fly in a new area.

On a related note, one of the things I realized after studying for the Part 107 test, researching drone laws in the states I'll be flying, and reading through a lot of forum and blog posts, was that passing the 107 cert exam itself means squat, really. It just allows you to fly as a non-hobbyist. Practically, I think it's going to take me a few months of preparation, further research and planning, and tons of practice before I'm going to be at a point where I will even think about offering services commercially to the general public. So, my additional advice as a complete rookie at this, I admit, is not to jump headfirst into printing business cards and cold-calling potential clients the day after you get your 107 certificate ;)

What I've learned so far shows me how little I know!

Hi Dave, my name is Akoni.

OT: And like you in your present situation, I too took baby steps, because I have a full time job, with the local fire department. My humble beginning into flying commercially was shooting stock pile for a cement company, and there where times that I had to sleep with in the couch, with the dog in my earlier days, because the wifey not liking the idea of me quitting my job as a fire medic. But, presently, I am a construction drone operator, part union and contractual, but how I got to where I am now was not easy. Learn and study the market in your area, do your due diligence and If you like to be outdoors, don't mind looking at dirt, look into being a construction drone operator.
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