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5 Motor Mode Saves The Day.

May 15, 2016
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Missoula Montana
Yesterday I was flying one of my TH and all of a sudden it went into 5 motor mode. I am here to tell you this is the most awesome feature of the TH. I was able to bring it back from 100 yards away and land it perfectly. I am very impressed with this feature. This is the first time I have experienced this. The cause was a motor power wire that broke off where it solders to the main board. I took the opportunity to get rid of the silly bulled connectors, all 18 of them, and solder the motor wires direct to the board. Lost 18 grams of weight and gained reliability. I will be doing two others the same way.
Thanks Steve. It certainly gets your attention when the message comes on and the ST-16 starts to vibrate, but it maintained control. Yaw was the only control that was not very reactive but that is understood.
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I've experienced two motor/prop/ESC issues since starting in multirotors. Thankfully both were when using a hex or an octo. A quad will hit the dirt every time.
I had this once too. The CEO of a Flight Sim software company (Little Arms in VA) was flying my H at a park in VA, with other company folks getting video, so they can incorporate the H into their repertoire. Just so happened that one of the rotors popped off (that mount has been replaced before it went back in the air). It lost a few feet of altitude and recovered. He was startled, but didn't crash. it was only ~20 ft up and ~50 ft away. When he brought it back, we could see the missing rotor and the opposite one reversing. Pretty cool. Yah, we found the popped rotor, too.

/e - because of this, I'll never fly a quad. Hex and up only.
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Well while out flying today got too close to a tree covered in moss while manuvering through some trees . One blade cut a bunch of moss from tree it immediately went into 5 motor safety while having about 2 pounds of moss hanging from landing gear .i flew it back little difficult but surprisingly it was hover pretty stable . So now that that exsperience is out of the way and I know the five motor safety works it's back to flying.
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Well while out flying today got too close to a tree covered in moss while manuvering through some trees . One blade cut a bunch of moss from tree it immediately went into 5 motor safety while having about 2 pounds of moss hanging from landing gear .i flew it back little difficult but surprisingly it was hover pretty stable . So now that that exsperience is out of the way and I know the five motor safety works it's back to flying.
Try doing that with a Phantom or any quadcopter for that matter. The H480 may not have the very best camera on board (at the moment), but is head and shoulders above any quadcopter in this respect.
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This is the #1 reason I chose the H over a Phantom 4. Followed by the fact that the H doesn't look like something Apple would make. Followed by the ability to do 2-operator umm... operation.
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That was the main reason I upgraded to the H. My friend and I both purchased the Q-500 shortly after they came out after seeing someone at a campsite flying one. It was our first drone. The Q-500 was and is a great Drone. Neither of us have had one issues with it at all. It flew perfect right out of the box. Being our first drones we knew nothing about compass calibration or anything of the sort let alone a motor failure. It was advertised as being ready to fly out of the box. We both flew them for around 2 years without a lick of trouble and had a great time. One day my friend called me and said his Q-500 crashed. He said he took off and everything was normal just like the hundreds of other takeoffs we had done. He said he was climbing normally and then at about 60 ft in the air he had a motor failure. He told me the Q-500 just cocked over and dove straight into the ground in about 2 seconds. He was in a open grass field so it wasn't destroyed on impact. and thank goodness no other people were around.
After hearing his story I started thinking how bad it could have been for him or me financially and emotionally if it would have hit someone especially a child. He said it dove to the ground like a bullet. It was a powered flight into the ground. That's when I started doing research on the issue and came across the Typhoon H. One of the main design features Yuneec advertised, at the CES, was that it could lose a motor or prop and land / fly safely home. on the remain 5 motors. After watching several YouTube videos of people testing the feature and seeing that it worked as designed I ordered my H with RS the next day.
My friend repaired and still flys his Q-500 till this day. I still have my Q-500 but haven't flown it since getting my H.
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I highly recommend getting an AMA membership for anyone who flies one of these RC aircraft. Liability insurance comes with the membership. It's a wonderful organization, which I've been a member since 1999.
I don't know if they're available outside of the US, though.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
Oh - and I forgot, reason # 42 I got the H instead of it's competitor; built-in screen for the controller!
Might want to look into what the rules are for that liability coverage to be applicable to an event. If your flying site does not meet their published standards you're S.O.L.
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Indeed. That's why I fly at an AMA sanctioned site. Never even thought about flying any of my RC aircraft over people, roads, houses, or any place that is not an AMA sanctioned flying club. Seems pretty irresponsible to do otherwise without insurance to cover one's ash.
Yesterday it was cold on the mountain and i didn't lock one prop properly with my gloves on. I took off and a couple feet up I saw a prop fly off. The H started to wobble a little but I had complete control and landed. I found the prop and continued filming.

A while back I had a similar situation with one of my DJI quads but it did the flip of death, end of day for that drone.

5 motor mode is useful and underrated in the market.

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