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A week after buying a used Q500 on an impulse this is a serious hobby.

Nov 18, 2021
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A week after buying a used Q500 on an impulse that this is a serious hobby.
Went out to a wide open field three times, flew about two hours total.
Got full of myself and tried in a more confined space. CRASH, BANG
Hit on the only rock within 50 yards from about 70ft.

Set the pieces up on a shelf for a week trying to decide to blow off the idea or get serious.
Spent two weeks finding replacements parts, BOY oh BOY expensive little plastic
buggers. Parts are coming from 6 different sources at all different speeds.

And now I got to learn how to disassemble and repair the carcass. Gulp!
Having nightmare's about. Nothing on YouTube on the Q500 to help with this!
Everything is on YouTube!!

Having a vision of another CRASH, I bought a second used Q500 Off EBAY.
Has not yet arrived. Not going to fly again until I have at least two working craft
because I would quit altogether If I had to wait weeks between flights.
Advice welcome!
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AsaTexas, huh?
Got to ask if ASA stands for Army Security Agency? Probably just your name, but curiosity...

Oh, and good luck. Before you know it you'll have 5 to 10K worth of drones cluttering up your domain. Drone disease!
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have crashed my Q500+ twice. Wish I had the extended manual to read first.I did first crash with a battery that was half dead. Second crash,I found out what it was like to run into an aluminum extension ladder. Proper flight knowledge would have prevented these crashes. [sorry about the font changes]. So this hapened a few yrs ago. Failure to properly care for batteries- not understanding magnetic interference- and not letting the drone acquire sattelites and update it's surroundings, and bingo a crash is inevitable. So learn all you can,search the forum know all the facts. I had to do an airframe replacement,which I amsure you do also. There are 68 or so screws to remove. Make yourself a map and number the 3 different size screws so you don't get them mixed up.A total airframe raplacement will involve r&r of all the motors and esc's. Soldering ,unsoldering these is not easy.There is one site on you tube I think in Dutch, but if followed thru is a good tutorial. Follow Doomeister direction to get in ball park. Too bad the one it starts with the guy has his head in the way half the time,,TeeeHeee. Get her fixed,,,good luck Peace KC

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