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Access to play store

Apr 10, 2020
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I have difficulty accessing the play store on my ST16 plus, can someone help me
I don't think so, I have some very good applications and they have never failed me, but now they won't let me use the playstore
The play store is blocked at ST16 and this is good. If you want to go in risk then install apps via apk package. Simply store the apk on the ST16 and click on it to install. App must be usable for Android 5.

As said above: Not recommended. Don't complain when the drone crashes or fly away.

br HE
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There are dozens of threads on this subject, all advising against adding any apps from PlayStore. The above mentioned UAV Toolbox is the only exception, which is available from the developer directly rather than PlayStore.

Of course if you wish to ignore said advice and carry on, that is your choice... and so will be the consequences. You have a phone that does not control the H... download apps to that.
I don't think so, I have some very good applications and they have never failed me, but now they won't let me use the playstore
Not being able to access Platystore with your ST16 is a blessing in disguise. Since you don 't seem to take the friendly warnings issued here, let me emphasize what other's are trying to say.

Yes this is an android tablet, but unlike other android tablets, the ST16 series in a dedicated flight controller for an aircraft, that happens to use an android tablet & OS. Taking your ST16 to Playstore is like walking thru the red light district trying not to catch the attention of a hooker with an STD.

There is no time while you are using the ST16 that you want it to do anything but control your aircraft, you certainly don't want any unnecessary apps running in the background that might possibly cause the system to hang for even 1 second, or worse yet lockup. Never lose sight of the fact that this is controlling an aircraft, not a video game!

Surely you must have other android devices around that you can load up with all your favorite apps, leave the ST16 to do it's designed task, don't load it up with apps that don't have anything to do with the control of the aircraft. I'm sure you have other personal android devices, use those for other apps and let the ST16 do what it was intended to do and nothing else.

You are certainly free to do what you like with your ST16, and we will be here for you with shoulders to cry on when it all goes south.
...we will be here for you with shoulders to cry on when it all goes south...

Not me....you've been warned....don't want my name mentioned in any lawsuits.....

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