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Aug 21 Solar Eclipse

Ya, I'm planning to shoot video from the air on the 21st in the totality zone. Obviously, the camera won't point upward, so sun filter is not necessary. What I hope to capture is the shadow moving across the ground from a high vantage point. Does anyone have suggestions on how to set up the camera?
Where you going to be going Rubik? I'm driving up to West Yellowstone for a few days and will be making the
50 mile trip south to Jackson WY. With traffic the morning of the 21st, I expect that 50 miles to take about 5 hours... :eek:
I will be taking the Action Grip with my 8.25 Peau camera.., not sure what I'll be able to get visually. Unfortunately it
is now a distinct possibility I will not have my H back from Yuneec in time for that trip. :(
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We're going to central Oregon. Yes, traffic will undoubtedly be awful.
Don't forget your sun filters and enjoy the show.

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