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Big Trouble & Needing help

Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
Calabash, NC
Fellow pilots
I flew on a marginal wind day and paid the price - although it looks to me like it was a systems failure not wind. Had completed a video assignment and was landing with manual control (fighting the wind etc). About 3 feet off the ground on final and descending when all of a sudden I had no landing speed, i.e. motor sped up and slammed my H into the ground. Initially it didn't look to bad. Did the obvious including recalibrations but now it appears;
  1. Won't hold a houver position. Flies in a 5 foot circle.
  2. Landing is nearly impossible. Continues to circle.
  3. Idle speed is a little fast but not like it was.
  4. My landing gear retracts and extends (slightly out of sync) but won't support the H when landing.
  5. Camera appears to be locked on "follow" but honestly it was a sort flight and it "may" be ok. Didn't want to push my luck
Don't know where to begin with landing gear repair or replacement, idle speed adjustment, or circling.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. It's been a very reliable H up to now.

Thanks to all who respond.
I guess you did the accelerometer calibration on a flat and level surface. Wonder if you have a joystick going bad and is why it sped up on landing..
I would replace your questionable parts before proceeding further. Because of your location, CarolinaDronz would be your logical choice, whether to purchase parts or obtain service. There are YouTube videos on checking/replacing the landing gear assembly... did it tipover, damage props and/or motors?
I guess you did the accelerometer calibration on a flat and level surface. Wonder if you have a joystick going bad and is why it sped up on landing..
Thanks for your reply. I have a spot in my driveway that I do all of my calibrations on so that should be ok. When I do 1 I do all 3 calibrations.
I would replace your questionable parts before proceeding further. Because of your location, CarolinaDronz would be your logical choice, whether to purchase parts or obtain service. There are YouTube videos on checking/replacing the landing gear assembly... did it tip over, damage props and/or motors?
Thanks for you reply. Yes it did flip over and wiped out 3 props. Cart wheeled for sure. Does not appear to be bad enough to have wrecked a motor. Tomorrow I'm going to do a "run up" to test motors and check you tube for landing gear repair. Richard
Begin with a close up physical assessment of the H for damage.
Thanks for your response. I've done the physical inspection and don't see anything but a couple of minor scratches. Landing gear looked and acted ok until I landed and they collapsed. Camera is good to go as best I can tell. Will bench test everything over the next couple of days but doesn't tell everything as you know.
IMHO, if you have the GUI I would test the motors on that, before doing an outdoor test...
Thanks for your this suggestion. Sounds like a good idea but I've never done a GUI test before. Where do you suggest I look for information on how to do the test?

I've also noticed that when I have the H motors running on the ground (pre lift-off) the motor speed is correct but I have to move the left stick over half way up before it begins to lift off. That seems a bit much and wasn't that way before. Before it was about 1/3 of the total throw.
Thanks for your this suggestion. Sounds like a good idea but I've never done a GUI test before. Where do you suggest I look for information on how to do the test?

I've also noticed that when I have the H motors running on the ground (pre lift-off) the motor speed is correct but I have to move the left stick over half way up before it begins to lift off. That seems a bit much and wasn't that way before. Before it was about 1/3 of the total throw.

Download the GUI from this page

Downloads Typhoon H

You will want to do a forum search on the GUI... it is difficult to get to run sometimes... personally I had to run it off of my Win7 box... kept crashing on my Win10 'puter.

As far as your stick changes, you want to first check the sticks in Hardware Monitor... if they are not deflecting fully you want to clean them with plastic safe electronic cleaner. You can try and do it from the outside, but sometimes you will have to open the ST-16 up. If you still have stick issues after the cleaning, you can try the in-depth "secret menu" calibration... I could tell you what that is, but yanno... it's a secret. ;)

Do a forum search for "secret menu" and you will find a plethora of threads... all will be answered...

2 caveats on the secret menu...

1) Do the cleaning first... the in-depth calibration assumes that there are no existing physical/oxidation issues.

2) Make sure that both the tilt adjustment wheel on the left, and the turtle/rabbit wheel on the right are both centered before starting.

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