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Cable Cam Mode crash

Mar 24, 2016
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tree.JPG I set the way points, they were not even close to the trees that out line the 2 acre lot. I hit start and it goes to the first point, I am filming with the camera around the property (no house yet) and it starts to the second point I look up see it moving away so I look down and then up again and now it is moving fast away. Before I could hit pause or stop it crashed into a tree. The only tree even close to the property line. It was a big old fir tree, huge branches I was bummed. I climbed the tree and did not fall doing so, but haven't climb trees forever, managed to knock it down onto a soft bunch of bushes................OMG I was freaking out. Broke 3 props but that was it. Question is, What happened? why and how did it get off course? Oh and by the way anybody want to sell me 3 props? I have some on back order but I am going to Costa Rica and only have one extra... Picture for your enjoyment so you can laugh..........by the way drone works great after new props were installed.

Johnny Cage
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You can see the cable mode where I flew the route and then you can see where it just went off the route and into the tree? The property now is all cleared and foundation for house is being dug out. The only trees are at the top or bottom of the pic.
View attachment 760 I set the way points, they were not even close to the trees that out line the 2 acre lot. I hit start and it goes to the first point, I am filming with the camera around the property (no house yet) and it starts to the second point I look up see it moving away so I look down and then up again and now it is moving fast away. Before I could hit pause or stop it crashed into a tree. The only tree even close to the property line. It was a big old fir tree, huge branches I was bummed. I climbed the tree and did not fall doing so, but haven't climb trees forever, managed to knock it down onto a soft bunch of bushes................OMG I was freaking out. Broke 3 props but that was it. Question is, What happened? why and how did it get off course? Oh and by the way anybody want to sell me 3 props? I have some on back order but I am going to Costa Rica and only have one extra... Picture for your enjoyment so you can laugh..........by the way drone works great after new props were installed.

Johnny Cage
Sorry to hear this, Johnny. Hope Yuneec can help you fix the props and find the cause of the crash.

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