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Carbon fiber landing legs

May 10, 2017
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Hi folks looking to upgrade the landing legs to carbon fibre now what is your thoughts also thinking of the carbon fibre blades aswell all advice is appreciated or would I be wasting my £££
Something to consider @Thomas111 in the eventual circumstances of a crash... if the carbon fiber legs transmit more kinetic energy, rather than breaking away, this will increase the likelihood of something more expensive breaking away... say, one or more of the arms.

Cost of H Landing Gear leg... $10.00 Difficulty of replacement... removal of one retaining screw. Easily user replaced.

Cost of H Arm assembly with motor... $60.00 Difficulty of replacement... a lot more than above.
I love my CF props. They are better in design and increase control plus they are quieter. I understand that a strike will be bad so I keep OEM blades for any close tree flying. I agree on the legs though. The part that fails next is the gear motor screw and for sure CF legs would do that and more every time on any hard landing.
Thanks craigcam I will just look at the CF props as I don't normally fly close to trees again glad I posted up to ask the question as never thought about a hard land damage
Frangibility is important to our drones. As mistakes happen we want to minimize the number of parts that will break during a crash. We want an airframe where only one or two relatively cheap and simple to replace parts break instead of using stronger parts that telegraph the impact to more parts of greater cost and difficulty to replace.
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Hi All, I thought that the leg struts and bottom blades were already CARBON-FIBER on the H or is it the Q500 you are talking about in the H section boys. For a minute I thought that My H was different, I know that I am different ( because I have been told that by Bob Richter and friends) but not my H . Johnno Hennessy. Keep flying on the GREEN SIDE of the GRASS .
No talking about the H as the Q5 is different and nothing like that was ever made to my knowledge for the Q as I was a Q5 owner before I upgraded to the H
The legs and struts on the H are C F, that is what I meant before with my statement. As far as I know all H 480 - 520 -920 have CF leg struts and bottoms and motor arms . So I would say that you don't have to get any. Johnno Hennessy . keep flying on the green side of the grass.

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