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Civil War Salt Works Video

Nov 20, 2018
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An unknown & isolated region of north Florida history is explored using a Q500 & ultralight aircraft. 42 minutes. Go to YouTube. Type in "Rebel Salt Movie." I would list the link here but can't figure out how to do it. if some kind soul would like to do it, I would appreciate it. Thank you!
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An unknown & isolated region of north Florida history is explored using a Q500 & ultralight aircraft. 42 minutes. Go to YouTube. Type in "Rebel Salt Movie." I would list the link here but can't figure out how to do it. if some kind soul would like to do it, I would appreciate it. Thank you!
Mr. Cobra! Can't thank you enough! I'll learn how one day.

Saw a lot of you guys in Vietnam. Navy trained out of San Diego, I was an Army salvage diver. Pulled a lot of your brothers out of the drink. You wouldn't believe the accidents, or maybe you would. One night, 2 a.m. BAM, Crash, hit that big powerline just south of Long Binh. Two weeks later, sun setting, BAM, another powerline hit two miles upriver, too low, blinded by sun, 11 dead. Both Hueys. One gunship, one carrying pax somewhere. Kept us busy. Too busy.
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It's easy; go to the website where the video is playing, copy the URL and past it here after you type your message.
Are you the pilot of the video?
Mr. Cobra! Can't thank you enough! I'll learn how one day.

Saw a lot of you guys in Vietnam. Navy trained out of San Diego, I was an Army salvage diver. Pulled a lot of your brothers out of the drink. You wouldn't believe the accidents, or maybe you would. One night, 2 a.m. BAM, Crash, hit that big powerline just south of Long Binh. Two weeks later, sun setting, BAM, another powerline hit two miles upriver, too low, blinded by sun, 11 dead. Both Hueys. One gunship, one carrying pax somewhere. Kept us busy. Too busy.
Yea, we had our fair share of accidents and many were killed here domestically.
Saw in one incident, a smoke ship carrying to many troops, taking off without checking his torque, clipped some trees toppled over and killed 5. Lost a few good buddies.:(
It's easy; go to the website where the video is playing, copy the URL and past it here after you type your message.
Are you the pilot of the video?

Dat bees me. Be 70 in April. Golden years you know, golden my ***. Thanks for the how-to. Sorry to hear about your friends. So many ways to die, even in "peacetime" military. Middle East losing a lot in accidents too. Most of these Vietnam chopper pilots were shoved out the door with what....300 hours total? Then shoved into a high amxiety, hot & heavy combat environment. Results as expected. Thanks again.
I just want to say I watched this video from start to finish, and that is not something I would normally do with a Youtube video, especially one that is over 40 minutes long; most can't keep me watching for more than a single minute, not even my own. ;) But I digress.

What an interesting subject and history this is! The way you detail; not only the locations of these ruins but moreover, the reason behind their existence and the history of how they have been left in - or arrived at, their current state is very good. That you you show us (the viewer) the means by which they are accessed with your Trike and Q500 only adds to the adventurous nature of this presentation.

Well Done @booboo

Thanks a million for that pump! A guy on here named Riktar helped me a lot as I had a tremendous amount of trouble with my old Win 7 Pro working with hidef (1080p) video. Long story short.

I know it was long, actually 42 minutes, but it couldn't be helped. I actually shortened the scenes as much as possible, had a huge amount to add but dropped most of it. It could've gone to well over one hour.

You mentioned how I "detailed the location." I did so purposely of course because I dislike watching somebody's otherwise great video while not having the foggiest idea of where he's talking about other than a country that I usually know nothing about.

Thanks again Ty. Really appreciate it. A lot of work. A special note of thanks to Riktar for his patience & expertise! Hope you read this too Rik!
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