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Cloudy autumn day in Poland.

Sep 16, 2018
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This is a short video from the first flights of Typhoon H. All feedback is welcome.
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Nice to see you airborne and at the start of your aerial adventures :) Once you have a good grasp of the main flight controls you can turn your attention more towards getting quality film-type shots...

Tips for good video:

1. Use Manual Exposure and locked White balance for best quality results. Set your exposure clearly for the land or the sky, and then point the camera so that you fill most of the frame with what you have exposed for ! Get used to changing exposure values in-flight, so that you capture correctly exposed footage no matter where your camera is pointing.
2. Set White balance to Sunset-sunrise, or Sunny mode (then lock it) to eliminate those overly blue shadows. Shoot in RAW mode for most flexibility in the grade later.
3. Get a set of ND filters, and use those to reduce the light getting to the sensor, so you can turn down your shutter speed to double the framerate you are recording. (1/60 for 30FPS for example). This gives the smoothest-looking footage, especially when panning.
4. Don't accept the colours that come off the camera natively - always grade / sharpen the footage afterwards in such a way that you get sharp details and vibrant but balanced / natural colour. Programs like DaVinci Resolve are good for doing this.
5. Try to show off the landscape, or many different aspects of it, in as many different ways as you can, and try and limit the amount of shots you include where nothing is really happening or where you are repeating views you have already shown...
6. Camera tilts and pans need to be a very smooth and controlled if you are going to include them in the footage. Most of the time video looks more 'pro' if you don't include camera tilts at all, unless they part of a specific filmic effect you are trying to achieve.
7. Film in Turtle mode, which will smooth out your movement and pans for much nicer video results...

Hope that helps, happy flyings and filmings !
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Thanks for giving us another view of another corner of the world.[emoji41]. Looks like you have a very convenient airfield to get lots of stick time!

Good luck with your new found friend. May your relationship be long and enjoyable, learning all the time.

Looking forward to seeing more along with the evolution of your techniques. AJ has provided many good tips. I’m sure you have already found many more or will as your adventure rolls along.

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