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Comparing video footage of the H480 and The Inspire X3??


May 26, 2016
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Warwickshire, (not very near London), England
Just wondering if anybody has an idea of if anybody has done a comparison flight video of the Typhoon H 480 with the CGO3+ camera and the DJI Inspire with the X3 on it? Or at least a side by side camera tech spec? What is the CGO3+ lens compared to the Inspire. I have heard that the standard CGO3+ is 115 degrees where as the Inspire X3 is 12mm? No idea how that compares?
Thank you, that was incredibly useful but to save other peoples time here is the comparison chart. You'll see that Yuneec CGO3+ comes in pretty much last only just beating the go pro. The Inspire X3 comes in top place for fixed camera drones but surprisingly the rather strange odd looking Autel X Star comes second place only just below the Inspire X3. The video does say that the Typhoon H is the nicest to fly and when (or OF) the new cameras come out this could potentially be up there with the Inspire X3 but for now all we can do is wait wait and wait or go and buy an Inspire X3.

I'm laughing here, I would *Strongly* advise against buying an X3 at this stage.

The apples to pears comparison of the H-Pro to the X3 only tells a fraction of the story - the X3 is now a legacy model, with no indication that DJI will support it any further - it's not compatible with any current DJI drone, so it's an expensive dead end. For sure, it's better than the CGO3+ - but that's exactly what you'd expect as it cost three times as much.

Consider that the H is still a 'current model', that it has things like team mode and redundancy at a fraction of the cost of an Inspire and the deal is not so good. Consider also that we are about to see the launch of the next generation H platform, that the existing cameras are still compatible with the new model (unlike DJIs policy of forcing you to upgrade) and that the new E90 should be a highly competitive camera and I'm not sure that an older Inspire is a good deal.

You'd be mad to buy anything when it's only a few weeks before the new Yuneec kit is coming out. The rumours from the people who've been testing it suggest that DJI have a lot to worry about.
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The Inspire and the H can now be bought new for roughly the same kind of money (around £1,000 each). I've been waiting for a year for a new camera for my H and it has now been confirmed that the new cameras will not be compatible with the existing H480.

I love Yuneec UK. It has the best technical engineers out of any company that I have ever dealt with. They never argue, they just sort the faults that occur. They help way beyond what is expected... BUT BUT BUT.... They can't at this present time deliver the package that I need. I'm in desperate need of a better camera. The only alternatives that I can see are the Inspire with the X3 or X5. It's not a jump that I particularly want to make and maybe it is just a temporary one. I'll keep my H for my lower end work but so far the end product that Yuneec can offer does not match the quality of what DJI can offer. If they pulled their socks up then great but like many others are now, I'm losing faith in the product....

I'm laughing here, I would *Strongly* advise against buying an X3 at this stage.

The apples to pears comparison of the H-Pro to the X3 only tells a fraction of the story - the X3 is now a legacy model, with no indication that DJI will support it any further - it's not compatible with any current DJI drone, so it's an expensive dead end. For sure, it's better than the CGO3+ - but that's exactly what you'd expect as it cost three times as much.

Consider that the H is still a 'current model', that it has things like team mode and redundancy at a fraction of the cost of an Inspire and the deal is not so good. Consider also that we are about to see the launch of the next generation H platform, that the existing cameras are still compatible with the new model (unlike DJIs policy of forcing you to upgrade) and that the new E90 should be a highly competitive camera and I'm not sure that an older Inspire is a good deal.

You'd be mad to buy anything when it's only a few weeks before the new Yuneec kit is coming out. The rumours from the people who've been testing it suggest that DJI have a lot to worry about.
One acronym that kills them all- GEO. No manufacturer is going to tell me when and where I can fly AFTER I bought their product. Nor will they require I ask permission every few days. Even worse, their flight restrictions are often incorrectly labeled for the airspace.

The 520 must be getting pretty close. The DJI zealots are throwing comparison posts out again.
The Inspire and the H can now be bought new for roughly the same kind of money (around £1,000 each). I've been waiting for a year for a new camera for my H and it has now been confirmed that the new cameras will not be compatible with the existing H480.

Just to be clear about this - it looks very probable the new cameras are not going to be available separately from the H520 at least while initial orders for the H520 are being fulfilled. So those looking for a quick camera upgrade for their H480 were always going to be out of luck for a while.

Yuneec have clarified that it's only the E90 that's not compatible with the H480 at launch, but they are working on a solution, which I have to assume will come as a firmware upgrade.
One acronym that kills them all- GEO. No manufacturer is going to tell me when and where I can fly AFTER I bought their product. Nor will they require I ask permission every few days. Even worse, their flight restrictions are often incorrectly labeled for the airspace.

The 520 must be getting pretty close. The DJI zealots are throwing comparison posts out again.
I just got a Spark and it makes me check a box when I'm in Class B, which is most of the time. No big deal.
Good little selfie bird but really range limited because of its size and a 100m wifi tracking thing.
Good little selfie bird but really range limited because of its size and a 100m wifi tracking thing.
Actually, it will go out over a mile, but I don't see a need for that. It's a scout machine for me. The 4K stills are more than enough to see what is good and isn't before I unload the H. Plus, it's really fun to play with. I had a Dobby for this and it was great, but it was cheap and broke too fast.
Just to be clear about this - it looks very probable the new cameras are not going to be available separately from the H520 at least while initial orders for the H520 are being fulfilled. So those looking for a quick camera upgrade for their H480 were always going to be out of luck for a while.

Yuneec have clarified that it's only the E90 that's not compatible with the H480 at launch, but they are working on a solution, which I have to assume will come as a firmware upgrade.

The E50 will be compatible with the H, about the E90 they are looking into it to perhaps make it compatible

I was referring to be able to see it at distance. Some have mentioned it pretty much disappears at 80m-90m because it's so small.
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The Inspire and the H can now be bought new for roughly the same kind of money (around £1,000 each).
ByM, I am also in the UK (east Sussex) and the lowest price I can find for an Inspire is about £1500 for an Inspire1 v2 with an integrated camera plus the cost of a tablet to fit on the remote control. How is this a direct comparison? Unless you mean a Mavic rather than an Inspire - which still needs a tablet as extra cost?
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