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Compass Error Observations

I had no issues before the recent update, but since then there has been a rash of issues reported here. The problem lies with the firmware.

I truly hope it is limited to the firmware and they can fix it.
I don't have as much faith in it being a pure firmware issue as my problems started on about August 23rd, before the new firmware was out. I had a compass/GPS fail and a fly away/crash drone with what ever version was on that unit when I got it 2 days before. Thus my skeptical nature of this being firmware. I drone I got was new shipment of the Realsense version so what ever they came with from the factory at the time. I didn't have a chance to check as it never even occurred to me to do so and I had no reason. Thew Yuneec Website at the time said 01/01/2016 for the published firmware so I didn't do any updates as I could not make sense of the version formats they were using at the time.

if its just firmware, a fix should be very close. I really hope thats all it is. Its been over a month for me, and multiple drones and 3 firmware versions and no resolution to my issues.

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