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Crash after takeoff and hover for 30 seconds

Jan 1, 2020
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I purchased a used typhoon H and it came with two remotes. The one two antenna remote it’s locked out with the password however the seller gave me another three antenna remote and this one works. I completed a accelerometer CAL on level ground and a compass calibration that yielded the green light letting me know that it was complete. However when I tried for launch the typhoon it would hover for a second then move to the left violently then crash. Next I purchased a micro SD CARD and upgraded the ST16 and typhoon to the latest software/firmware available. After the upgrade I performed another successful accelerometer and compass calibration. Today I went out to the park and took off exactly how the videos on the internet show and the drone over Ed for about 20-30 seconds, all looked well then it’ started to shake and crash. I replicated the issue multiple times then the gimbal plate broke and an arm clip broke :( . Any idea what the issue might be? Logger files are attached and the crash date was on 20200101.


  • FlightLog _crash.zip
    3.5 MB · Views: 17
First look is only a scan, because so many flights are affected. But there is a pattern.
Flight 7, dated in July of 2018, was a normal flight, and is the only actual flight prior to the trouble showing up. Flight 8 Dated February of 2019, was a crash. It recorded a motor failure at exactly the same time as the crash, so not clear which caused which. Need your memory of what happened on that date. That at least appears to be when the trouble started.
Big picture of the issue: You are having random single motor failures. Different motors. Often resulting in crash, but a couple times landed without crash.
There is some possible correlation between motor failures and swapping between angle mode and smart mode. That may not play out, need to study it more. But there is some sharp voltage drop associated with each flight mode change that is curious.
Altitude is not registering well, making it a little hard to judge exactly when lift off occurred.

Here are the flight numbers, followed by which motor failed on that flight. Interesting to see, but don't yet have even a speculation of why it is happening (other than the general "maybe the flight 8 crash shook something loose").

7 normal flight (2018/07/28)
8 motor 1 (concurrent crash) (2019/02/12) ( Do the dates for flights 7 and 8 look correct?)
9 Motor 3 (~6 seconds prior to crash)
13 motor 5 (off, restarted, no crash) (A motor restarting is new to me.)
17 motor 2 (off, restarted, no crash)
22 motor 3 (~7 seconds prior to crash)
23 motor 3 (no crash)
24 motor 3 (no crash)
26 motor 3 (concurrent crash)
27 motor 2 (restarted), Motor 4 (restarted), Motor 5 (~5 sec prior to crash)
29 motor 4 (concurrent crash)(also RTH activated at same time)
30 motor 6 (concurrent crash)
31 motor 6 (~3 sec prior to crash)
33 motors 4, 5 (Multiple motor failures, Drone on/off/on, No actual flight?)
37 motor 5 (~13 Seconds prior to crash)

This is just to let you know the quick look. I will have more time in the morning to look at this. @Steve Carr is also looking, and is a much more advanced reviewer than I.

It is clear there are many random motor failure errors. What is NOT clear is if the motors are actually failing (and restarting), or if it is false errors.
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@Steve Carr is also looking, and is a much more advanced reviewer than I.
Not really. I have to read these manually because helmuts software doesn't function on my pc.

Flight no 34 on Dec 31st shows a rapid increase in roll, a motor failure and a crash. It also shows the GPS was off and the GPS coordinates seem way off on both the controller and the H.
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Just a quick update. The review continues. But one item stands out that needs immediate mention.
The Controller GPS is WAY bad. It's recording it's position all over the place. At one point, it reported your position .48 miles from your actual location. The controller GPS is essential for several flight modes, such as Smart Mode, Return to Home, Watch me, Follow me. Avoid using any of these modes, but especially Smart Mode and RTH. Smart Mode could result in the aircraft coming straight at you if it THINKS you are close, but on the other side of it. RTH could result in the craft flying off into the sunset, thinking "home" is somewhere over the horizon. Any of these modes can result in crash. I would recommend not flying until this is resolved. Or at least stay in Angle Mode, and get in a very big, safe area.

This is not the only issue. There are issues in the drone itself I can't pin down yet. (and by the way, the drone GPS is not all that great either. Just maybe not as bad.)
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The data from the flight logs has a lot of strange things in it. Having trouble separating what is real from what is not. It would be a great help to have a baseline for comparison. Can you turn on the drone and controller, let them sit for about an hour without moving them, and then upload the flightlogs again?
The data from the flight logs has a lot of strange things in it. Having trouble separating what is real from what is not. It would be a great help to have a baseline for comparison. Can you turn on the drone and controller, let them sit for about an hour without moving them, and then upload the flightlogs again?
Thank you very much for looking into this. I will purge all logs and complete the test you requested outside and upload the logger files. The image posted in where I originally flew the drone on the 31st. On the 1st I was at a park in a open area.

thanks again,
Thank you very much for looking into this. I will purge all logs and complete the test you requested outside and upload the logger files. The image posted in where I originally flew the drone on the 31st. On the 1st I was at a park in a open area.
thanks again,
I suggest removing the camera for any future test flights until this issue is corrected.
You have random individual motors shutting down, and sometimes even restarting. Makes for some rough control issues. The most likely cause is a faulty Flight Control board. It MAY help to unplug the FC from the Mainboard (ESC board), clean the contacts, and plug it back in.
The controller GPS is also really bad.

Either issue would be a significant problem. Having both issues makes successful flight pretty much impossible.
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You have random motors shutting down, and sometimes even restarting. Makes for some rough control issues. The most likely cause is a faulty Flight Control board.
The controller GPS is also really bad.
Either issue would be a significant problem. Having both issues makes successful flight pretty much impossible.
If the FC is faulty it could also cause the GPS to appear bad. The FC should probably be a starting point and see what shows after it being replaced.

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