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DJI finally catching up.

Dec 1, 2018
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Madisonville KY
Why does the drone community think DJI is always coming up with "NEW" and "Original" things? We Typhoon fliers have had a handheld controller for years, DJI just released theirs,


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Because, more quality in their new drones, precision in connections, same cameras resolutions today, low prices, high security no problem in firmwares, better fpv flies. Their dji avata with handheld controller is the success in europe. If we think using a typhoon all days, maintenance is necessary, to many problems on a year (wifi, gps, imu, gimbal etc... What members prefer ? Flying or working in a garage.
It's not the forum for dji. I use many brands. Sorry, chinese are yet before europeans in drone manufactories.
Yes, but not in the same playground and far behind in technology and competence vis-à-vis its customers.
Yuneec is chinese. Yes. European drones are built in old design, or in a stone. In europ we hope quality in the drones, but here in france quality is expensive, then we buy chinese. Their manufacturies prefer speed, quantity, plastics, more and more sold. Users want to fly quickly, in low cost, it fonction well. Grr. :confused:What can we do ? We can do only a right or wrong drone, when they sold ten drones. Frenchies ! Where are you ?
A typhoon with a handheld controller, a reality. A french drone with a handheld controller, a dream.
Yuneec is chinese. Yes. European drones are built in old design, or in a stone. In europ we hope quality in the drones, but here in france quality is expensive, then we buy chinese. Their manufacturies prefer speed, quantity, plastics, more and more sold. Users want to fly quickly, in low cost, it fonction well. Grr. :confused:What can we do ? We can do only a right or wrong drone, when they sold ten drones. Frenchies ! Where are you ?
A typhoon with a handheld controller, a reality. A french drone with a handheld controller, a dream.
Why is this guy allowed to attack Yuneec and northing is done, @marcodrone, get a life and go back to your preferred drone and stay away for ever
Why is this guy allowed to attack Yuneec and northing is done, @marcodrone, get a life and go back to your preferred drone and stay away for ever
I believe @marcodrone was saying that both DJI and Yuneec are Chinese manufactured systems and that they build a system that may not be as reliable as a western built system, but they do it cheaper and in more volume than western manufacturers.

We do not belittle members for their opinion of Yuneec and other brands. While Yuneec has some great products their attention to their customer’s needs has shown a serious decline over the last 3 to 4 years. I’m sure if the originator of Yuneec were still involved with the company things would be a lot more progressive than we are seeing today.
The bigger problem in Western Europe is the high production costs, for this reason no company will ever start producing consumer or prosumers drones, because the price of the final product would be too high and would never sell them.
After all, the vast majority of components, for any sector, are produced in Asia.
In any case, even DJI is not that it has these large service centers, but actually in recent years Yuneec in Europe is in much worse condition from this point of view. In North America fortunately there are companies that make up for these shortcomings (Vertigo Drones, Yuneec Skins and maybe even someone else), in Italy, as far as I know, there is only one but with prohibitive costs.
DJI has actually included insurance policies for many problems that can happen flying with its products (breakdowns, fly aways etc.) and perhaps this is what Yuneec lacked to maintain a relationship of trust with its customers.
The bigger problem in Western Europe is the high production costs, for this reason no company will ever start producing consumer or prosumers drones, because the price of the final product would be too high and would never sell them.
After all, the vast majority of components, for any sector, are produced in Asia.
In any case, even DJI is not that it has these large service centers, but actually in recent years Yuneec in Europe is in much worse condition from this point of view. In North America fortunately there are companies that make up for these shortcomings (Vertigo Drones, Yuneec Skins and maybe even someone else), in Italy, as far as I know, there is only one but with prohibitive costs.
DJI has actually included insurance policies for many problems that can happen flying with its products (breakdowns, fly aways etc.) and perhaps this is what Yuneec lacked to maintain a relationship of trust with its customers.
However, the reality is that Yuneec has abandoned the consumer segment to focus more on the professional drone sector, or rather on the new electric transport technologies that will soon become reality all over the world.
I do not think that Yuneec is not able to peripheries a small fpv drone at an affordable price, it is simply not interested in this sector.
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I'm not the guy allowed to attack Yuneec. I like yuneec, In my job i use many typhoon h. The theme was to compare yuneec and dji about their controller by ArtCox.
My point was that DJI is releasing tech that is several years old as "NEW", when us that fly Yuneec products have had this for years,
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Bien sûr, yuneec a la technologie. Aujourd'hui, yuneec doit protéger sa première idée. Comment ? Faire le même produit, avec plus de qualité, plus de boutiques yuneec, des drones plus petits avec les mêmes performances ; tout se passe dji. C'est la solution pour yuneec s'ils veulent des utilisateurs professionnels et de nouveaux utilisateurs familiaux. Parce que les lois de mon pays changent, et c'est pourquoi les plus gros drones ne sont pas l'avenir. dji connaît de nouveaux clients avec des petits avions fpv comme dji avata, excellente distance (6 kms/600 mètres pour yuneec), qualité vidéo pendant 30 minutes, vitesse sur drone de 400 grammes. Lorsque le drone tombe, il n'y a pas de pièces cassées sur un modèle mavic ou avata, faisant le travail.
J'aime faire des vidéos avec trois typhons dans ma voiture. Je dois choisir dji quand je vais en train, ou en bus.
Si vous demandez des boutiques yuneec en france, vous n'avez pas de solution officielle.
C'est pourquoi je suis sur ce site et d'autres, à la recherche de différentes solutions, avec une journée en mission photo ou en mission vidéo.
Le mode équipe avec manette portable est une bonne chose.
Mon anglais n'est pas parfait je sais, mais combien de gars sur ce forum vivent dans le sud de la France ? Un aujourd'hui.
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Il est inutile de continuer à annoncer les 6 km du DJI, alors qu’en Europe il existe des lois qui vous obligent à faire le vol en VLOS...car il est inutile de continuer à faire des comparaisons: si vous préférez dji, achetez-le, mais de certes, Yuneec aura ses bonnes raisons de poursuivre les choix qu’il a faits, et ce n’est certainement pas en se plaignant sur un forum qui changera la situation.

It is useless to continue to advertise the 6 km of the DJI, when in Europe there are laws that oblige you to make the flight in VLOS ...as it is useless to continue to make comparisons: if you prefer dji, buy it, but of certainly Yuneec will have his good reasons to pursue the choices he has made, and it is certainly not by complaining on a forum that will change the situation.
I see now on this site that is useless to make comparisons. It was a bad idea for many old members. My age in mind is different of the number of years, i think with progress, future,modern technology, not classic performance. Sorry it's my profile. Your recommandation is to buy the second chinese, i have the two planes since many years.
I'm not on the good forum... right, bye, merry christmas and happy new year.
Il n’est pas nécessaire d’être délicat, ni même controversé.
Quant à moi ici vous êtes les bienvenus, faites ce que vous jugez bo n

There is no need to be touchy, nor even controversial.
As for me here you are welcome, do what you see fit.
Why does the drone community think DJI is always coming up with "NEW" and "Original" things?

As a faithful and longtime Yuneec owner who also has a DJI product as well as an avid motorcyclist - I see some very similar behaviors from each community and think I would like to take a swing at your first question even realizing it is probably a rhetorical question. ;) :cool:

Like moths to a flame, new and inexperienced users typically apply the 'herd mentality' approach to a new endeavor. With little experience and a somewhat lazy means of evaluation, they simply base their choice on what a majority of users have done before them. Once that brand choice is made, there is a strong need to justify and solidify that choice constantly - thus developing a rather blind 'brand loyalty'. This growing of the herd only perpetuates and reinforces their brand loyalty which; has the effect of reinforcing newcomers herd mentality. Seemingly a never-ending cycle.

There is an end to the cycle at some point, and this is where my motorcycle thoughts come into play. I will try to keep this short. In the last two decades of the previous century (That would be the 1980 - 2000) ;) motorcycling began a large period of growth here in the US as well as Europe. The various manufacturers - foreign and domestic began to compete for for those new dollars. Some brands focused on certain markets while others tried to cover all markets. Fads came and went as did popular types of motorcycles - sport bikes, cruisers, dirt bikes and others.

There was one manufacture here in the US that built an absolute dominant market for itself and it did so due to herd mentality. To own one of 'these' bikes put you in a class all by itself. They were not cheap, in fact some of the most expensive on the market. Didn't matter - the masses wanted one. They were not high performance in nearly any way, didn't matter. While this mass migration to this brand was going on, this particular manufacturer failed to recognize that the industry, as well as society, was changing and in the end; when they did begin to see this change, it was too late. That motorcycle brand is still around but has barely a fraction of the sales it once had.

Yuneec may not be in the game-of-drones in the future - I hope they are. Right now DJI dominates the drone market for much the same reason as above. However, for anyone who can take off the rose-colored glasses and peer through the fog of hype surrounding DJI they would see and hear a LOT of dissatisfaction with the DJI community. Many who own DJI but are not brand loyal (I am one) are pining for an alternative, and the list of things they want to see changed/added/fixed - is growing.

I've said it many times - Yuneec made one of the most revolutionary consumer drone designs ever - the Typhoon platform. As @ArtCox noted - they were so far ahead of the competition that it is a shame that it's full potential was never realized. And the 'Wand' was just one aspect of many, the new controller for their pro line is finally taking the form of an ST-16.

So to answer the question; why can't the drone community see? 🤣 It's easier to follow than to lead, and those at the back of the herd can't see where they're going and those at the front can't see where they've been.


DJI Controller.jpg YuneecController.jpg
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The bigger problem in Western Europe is the high production costs, for this reason no company will ever start producing consumer or prosumers drones, because the price of the final product would be too high and would never sell them.
After all, the vast majority of components, for any sector, are produced in Asia.
In any case, even DJI is not that it has these large service centers, but actually in recent years Yuneec in Europe is in much worse condition from this point of view. In North America fortunately there are companies that make up for these shortcomings (Vertigo Drones, Yuneec Skins and maybe even someone else), in Italy, as far as I know, there is only one but with prohibitive costs.
DJI has actually included insurance policies for many problems that can happen flying with its products (breakdowns, fly aways etc.) and perhaps this is what Yuneec lacked to maintain a relationship of trust with its customers.
Actually Yuneec had a 1 year warrantee, I had my first H+ fly away which after contacting was told to send back the controller, battery, and everything else, and they sent me a brand new one complete ?
However, the reality is that Yuneec has abandoned the consumer segment to focus more on the professional drone sector, or rather on the new electric transport technologies that will soon become reality all over the world.
I do not think that Yuneec is not able to peripheries a small fpv drone at an affordable price, it is simply not interested in this sector.
Too bad, I like to fly with my H520 which I use at least as much as my DJI pro.

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