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Drone Hits Bicyclist

It's hard to tell what actually caused the bike to flip. It could be the drone damaged his spokes and as he was trying to slow, more spokes failed and his front wheel jammed.
Anywho, another example of a moron doning his best to get responsible pilots ever more restricted.
Looks like the Phantom initially got snagged in the brake cable or fork and later got pulled into the spokes and locked up the wheel. Fortunately the rider was able to slow down before that happened or the injuries may have been worse. This will be an expensive day for the pilot.
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But it dropped out of a tree which means they were trying to possibly avoid flying directly over but not really.
Funny how there always seems to be a DJI product involved in the issues. I guess because a Typhoon is so big, we know they are not toys and dangerous, so why would we risk it. Or just that Typhoon pilots have better things to do than take stupid risks.
Funny how there always seems to be a DJI product involved in the issues. I guess because a Typhoon is so big, we know they are not toys and dangerous, so why would we risk it. Or just that Typhoon pilots have better things to do than take stupid risks.

Strangely enough I have had the same experience over here in Germany. A couple of weeks back a friend and I went out with his Phantom and my Q500. Due to the fact that we were fairly close to the Airport (2km) mine refused to start telling me that I was in a no fly zone.(GREAT REALLY) The dji Pilot shrugged off my warning and within a minute his Phantom was at 245m straight up. I said come on that's nuts...so he brought it down , landed and we drove off to an area where mine would let me fly. It certainly was a lesson to me. Choose your friends carefully.
Another thing, I have no restrictions on my H as to height or No Fly Zones, but I use the app and common sense to let me know if I should fly. And I never fly in No Fly Zones either way.
Yes, definitely clipped a tree and then fell. You can see the pilot at 26 seconds in the video.

He's most likely Looking at the bikes while flying. He's on the wrong side of the street to see his angle on those trees so he hit them. Instant Karma
That was a pretty nasty flip over, whole bike went airborne, hope that bicyclist was not injured too badly. Good that he was wearing a helmet.

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