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Drone still in the box!

Aug 3, 2019
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Hi. Late bloomer newbie checking in, planning to fly for fun. Had to buy my H + from Big Box store as it seemed on long term backorder only at online vendors. Pretty concerned [but hopeful] about threads suggesting future product & parts support is weak. Time will tell, I guess. On You Tube and in the box the aircraft camera system looks fantastic. Good to meet you all.
Here is the latest manual for the H+.
Need to read before flying!
What have you flown before you got the H+?


  • Typhoon_H_Plus_Manualv0.8 (2).pdf
    7 MB · Views: 34
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Here is the latest manual for the H+.
Need to read before flying!
What have you flown before you got the H+?
Thank you for the manual. Truly a novice. Nothing before this drone which I was drawn to because of the apparent ease of basic flying..
Welcome to YuneecPilots!

You have purchased a very good aircraft with a great camera. My suggestion is to read the manual AH-1G attached above with the bird and controller right in front of you. Familiarize yourself with both before taking it out for a flight.

When you do the compass calibration be sure to perform it in an open area away from any type of magnetic interference.

For your first flights remove the camera and get familiar with just flying at 20 to 40 feet height. Take it slow and easy and build a rapport with how it flies before adding the camera to the mix.

Fly safe and have fun!
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Welcome to YuneecPilots!

You have purchased a very good aircraft with a great camera. My suggestion is to read the manual AH-1G attached above with the bird and controller right in front of you. Familiarize yourself with both before taking it out for a flight.

When you do the compass calibration be sure to perform it in an open area away from any type of magnetic interference.

For your first flights remove the camera and get familiar with just flying at 20 to 40 feet height. Take it slow and easy and build a rapport with how it flies before adding the camera to the mix.

Fly safe and have fun!
Will do!
Still going over the Manual's index. I've never seen a reference to an ability to capture sound recording with the video. Are the video recordings with sound?
Still going over the Manual's index. I've never seen a reference to an ability to capture sound recording with the video. Are the video recordings with sound?
Welcome to the Yuneec family. As far as your question about sound recording I can not speak of the H+. I can however speak for the Typhoon H, it does record sound.

Please be a responsible and respectful pilot, go to the FAA website, register your drone and read all of the regulations for drones.
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Still going over the Manual's index. I've never seen a reference to an ability to capture sound recording with the video. Are the video recordings with sound?
Yes, you can, but all you hear is prop noise, very annoying.
..you have a great machine!!...take away the camera for the first flies, as other suggested, and buy the prop protectors....Even if you have to do some little adjustment to them, you will save a lot of money and frustration...and...don't try to extend the pleasure of the game after the moment the system tell you that the battery reached a low voltage...bring the machine home asap....two more batteries are a good investment too....
have a great flight time
Welcome, I started with toys and have upgraded to the H. One recent tree encounter, ended up with new motor arm and both landing gear replaced. Other than that, very pleased with the machine.
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Sorry about your mishap. I'm curious about your mishap: were you flying in large or area restricted by the trees? I purchase the H+ because of the ease of flying but I usually see it flown in wide open spaces. Trees are probably like magnets for drones. Also was yours equipped with Real Sense?
Hi. Late bloomer newbie checking in, planning to fly for fun. Had to buy my H + from Big Box store as it seemed on long term backorder only at online vendors. Pretty concerned [but hopeful] about threads suggesting future product & parts support is weak. Time will tell, I guess. On You Tube and in the box the aircraft camera system looks fantastic. Good to meet you all.

Like most other groups/organizations, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. The people in this group are a fantastic resource. Read someone post in a ‘welcome note,’ we were all newbies once.

Have fun & safe flying!!
Welcome, I started with toys and have upgraded to the H. One recent tree encounter, ended up with new motor arm and both landing gear replaced. Other than that, very pleased with the machine.
Yesterday at 9:14 PM
Sorry about your mishap. I'm curious about your it: were you flying in large or area restricted by the trees? I purchase the H+ because of the ease of flying but I usually see it flown in wide open spaces. Trees are probably like magnets for drones. Also was yours equipped with Real Sense?
Here is the latest manual for the H+.
Need to read before flying!
What have you flown before you got the H+?
Do you happen to have the newest Manual for a Typhoon H (standard model)? Or is the H+ manual the same except for the 'Real Sense' portion?
Thanks - Doug
Sorry about your mishap. I'm curious about your mishap: were you flying in large or area restricted by the trees? I purchase the H+ because of the ease of flying but I usually see it flown in wide open spaces. Trees are probably like magnets for drones. Also was yours equipped with Real Sense?
I do a lot of flying in wooded areas where I fly close to and under or over trees. It does take skill and knowledge of your aircraft to do it safely.
I can tell you that trees do not atract drones at all. With my carbon props it is no problem to clip a small branch or twig.

What I do recommend is that you also learn to fly with GPS off. This will give you much better knowledge of how the craft responds. Also will it make your videos look much smoother when you do proximity flying.

Obstacle avoidance (obs) is a no go for me. I tried it twice when flying in the woods and both times it nearly cost me my drone. When you fly sideways past an object the obs will instantly back your H away from the obstacle and in my case it backed up into a tree leaving me with 3 broken props and a disloged camera.
(I must say I have never flown with realsense but I suspect that it will do the same if it has not yet mapped the surroundings behind the drone.)

Always fly in ANGLE mode. Smart mode should only be used for the Follow me/Watch me mode. (If you ask me)

Make sure to have a “panic plan” when you try things out that you haven’t done before. Know which switch to flick when it goes bad. Many times people will freeze when something unexpected happens. And all you can do then is watch the carnage happen.
Know your craft before trying new things. Study the function you want to use and know how to cancel it.

For instance the Curved Cable Cam function is an awesome feature that gives you the ability to do fantastic shots with camera pan and tilt under the right stick while the aircraft flies a programmed route. However not fully understanding this feature can cause disaster. Again speaking from experience. (Nearly crashed into a castle wall once and another time had to go fishing for it after it plunged into a lake. The manual will tell you all about this feature.

But the best way to fly safe is gain experience and confidence in your craft and your abilities.
And follow the rules. The people that don’t are the ones that ruin it for the people who do.

Happy flying man and enjoy your beautifull aircraft.

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