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E50 / E90

When I look at the recent side by side images COG3+ wins hands down! Think about it, the average person using this drone will not be to concerned about the complexity of the camera, all they want is good to very good quality pictures and video. This can be done adjusting the camera manually and then in post production.

Now of course there are the Professionals who really care and have an eye for photography I can see why they want the best, but unfortunately they are a minority. Would I like to see a better camera? You bet, but at what cost?
If the E90 is used for whatever, why the blurred images, how do I get quality pics? Sooo can Yuneec develop a zoom lens camera?
Totally agree ;)
Comparison of depths of field at 4:20

@ JCFlippen
Please, what are your higher quality lenses on your CG03+ ?

View attachment 7445

That image only shows the near focus point, which I have no problem with. It's hard to judge without proper measurement, but we're maybe looking at 2'-3' near focus? That's perfectly acceptable - and as the sensor gets bigger, I'd expect to move away from the 'security cam' look where the whole world is in focus.

On the other hand, if there is a far point that makes landscape photography weaker, then that's more of a concern for people wanting this to be a general purpose camera. As Pat says, until we can see the raw files taken under known conditions, I'm hesitant to draw any conclusions about the precision of the lens. People are pixel-peeping at Youtube videos taken on a hazy day, which is no way to reliably judge how good or bad a camera is.
That image only shows the near focus point, which I have no problem with. It's hard to judge without proper measurement, but we're maybe looking at 2'-3' near focus? That's perfectly acceptable - and as the sensor gets bigger, I'd expect to move away from the 'security cam' look where the whole world is in focus.

On the other hand, if there is a far point that makes landscape photography weaker, then that's more of a concern for people wanting this to be a general purpose camera. As Pat says, until we can see the raw files taken under known conditions, I'm hesitant to draw any conclusions about the precision of the lens. People are pixel-peeping at Youtube videos taken on a hazy day, which is no way to reliably judge how good or bad a camera is.
But we had the opportunity to download several original videos of the E90 15 days ago, you did not?
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We did, and I did not see issues with those videos. I noted clarity issue that were associated with atmospheric conditions but I didn't note camera/lens issues when i viewed them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely not one that will staunchly defend any given product. They have to be able to stand on their own merits. I'm very much a super critical SOB but when I need to make decisions based on performance I require all the data and references necessary to make a qualified decision, not an impulsive one. For me the 520 and everything about it still need to grow a better informational foundation. What little corporate hype there has been has centered around what the aircraft looks like in flight and very little about what it can do along with how it does it. The video/photo presentations have been much too few in number, and questionable with delivered quality, to develop a perspective broad enough to render any judgement. If any call were to be made at this point the only one applicable would be that Yuneec has seriously dropped the ball in delivering material representative of the the systems capabilities, from software all the way through each of the camera options. I don't understand why they have distanced themselves from their newest product as they appear to be doing.

Sure, advertising is expensive but it's the advertising that sells the product. If people aren't provided a reason to buy they certainly won't buy. The marketing team, if they even have one, needs to get their act together. Perhaps they were all laid off during the re-structuring? In any case, they are not demonstrating a lot of creativity in new product development. The Breeze was a follow on to the Chroma and Blade products with design and production work initiated over a year an a half ago. The decision to eliminate the view screen in the controller for the lessor products was made two years ago. The 520 follows a year and a half after the release of the H, so they have put two systems on the market since the release of the H and neither of them have been complete in their functionality. Is their design team deficient in creativity, or does the corporate decision structure severely limit design team agility?
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We did, and I did not see issues with those videos. I noted clarity issue that were associated with atmospheric conditions but I didn't note camera/lens issues when i viewed them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely not one that will staunchly defend any given product. They have to be able to stand on their own merits. I'm very much a super critical SOB but when I need to make decisions based on performance I require all the data and references necessary to make a qualified decision, not an impulsive one. For me the 520 and everything about it still need to grow a better informational foundation. What little corporate hype there has been has centered around what the aircraft looks like in flight and very little about what it can do along with how it does it. The video/photo presentations have been much too few in number, and questionable with delivered quality, to develop a perspective broad enough to render any judgement. If any call were to be made at this point the only one applicable would be that Yuneec has seriously dropped the ball in delivering material representative of the the systems capabilities, from software all the way through each of the camera options. I don't understand why they have distanced themselves from their newest product as they appear to be doing.

I agree with everything you've said now. We're just going to be a little patient and you think something's wrong or you think it might be wrong more and more people have the camera. You can ask them to please do this or that test.

I don't remember who exactly, but we asked for raw images and uploaded them and then uploaded more examples to the official website. They read us, they've just released the first batch of updates, they're working on improving the product. I know, I would have liked also that when the H520 went on the market I would have been totally polished. It's not happening is practically no product. We can highlight the flaws to see if they can fix them, let's be positive.

Now I'm more concerned than a mate who lost the drone. Helping him find it, seeing what happened can be the most important thing right now. Not only for him, but also so that it doesn't happen to anyone else in the event of an aircraft failure.

By the way, it's out of gymbal and camera update. See if we can see any new evidence with the latest modifications :)
no problems friends, we try to understand and make evolve if possible things, I always liked the architecture of the Typhoon H, but I realized quite a lot of video with drones and Sony RX100 IV, both in 1080 50p or 4K, it is a little my reference with respect to the sensor ...:)

The way I see it, Sony builds fairly high to very high quality cameras intended to be competitive in the pro to semi pro photography market. As such they market cameras designed to provide high quality imagery at every level. The brand name depends on quality. What is provided in the ball turret cameras we have on most multirotors is designed around a stationary security camera with a few modifications to improve stabilization and image quality. Sony also uses higher quality lenses in even the low budget products. The same sensor can be used in many products but the other components associated with the data processing before and after the sensor is what makes the difference in image quality.
I agree PatR, so what are we waiting for? we are satisfied either it seems to me that the house Yuneec has progress to make, or we have not yet seen the best ...
For a system dedicated to mapping, SAR, and incident activities I'm sure it's up to the task.
We have two new Yuneec Europe videos of the two cameras that have been released so far, the E50 and the E90.


Small video recorded with the E90 in low visibility conditions. The sky completely overcast. 4K 60fps. In the description of the video link to download the original for those who want to test. (1/125 shutter, ISO 300)

Another example with the E90 by the hand of a forum partner. I see you don't dare, I'll put it on. Don't worry ;)

I see the quality of the image very well. Those who have doubts can take advantage of it and ask what parameters he has recorded it with.

If you have any doubts, Kev is right down here :D
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Short video from the E90, while testing the new H520 autopilot firmware and the first bit of nice weather since I’ve had my H520!
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But we had the opportunity to download several original videos of the E90 15 days ago, you did not?

I've flown it myself, and I have files on disk from that flight to examine. However, I did not set out to test the camera and have not had enough flight time to explore all of the settings - so at the moment I have no trustworthy source of information that I could use to claim the camera is good or bad. Personally, I think it is good, and that it is not a good idea to jump to conclusions based on other people's flights. Guessing at a cameras' behaviour based on random videos is not going to give you accurate information.
Another example with the E90 by the hand of a forum partner. I see you don't dare, I'll put it on. Don't worry ;)

I see the quality of the image very well. Those who have doubts can take advantage of it and ask what parameters he has recorded it with.
Sorry Arruntus, I didn’t notice you had posted my video.
This was a flight to test the new autopilot firmware update, but was also the first decent weather we’ve had since a got the H520. It was taken about 1 hour after sunrise. Colour set to Unprocessed, tweaked in Premiere. Because I am still waiting on my ND Filters to arrive, camera white balance was set to auto then locked and all other settings were on auto. Must admit auto is actually not that bad compared to the CGO3+. I think the distance is slightly soft, but as it was a little hazy, difficult to tell. There is no post sharpening added at all. All in I was pretty happy with the outcome.
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I've flown it myself, and I have files on disk from that flight to examine. However, I did not set out to test the camera and have not had enough flight time to explore all of the settings - so at the moment I have no trustworthy source of information that I could use to claim the camera is good or bad. Personally, I think it is good, and that it is not a good idea to jump to conclusions based on other people's flights. Guessing at a cameras' behaviour based on random videos is not going to give you accurate information.
I start my 8th year of aerial video, and all the rushes that I can download are good to analyze, because these are the conditions that we find on the scene, especially if you film live events.
But I've already written everything I thought of this camera, I will not repeat myself.
I have a look on this post because I want to buy an H520 + E90.
Someone could download some unprocessed photos on dropbox,( the video on youtube are very bad), so that I could see the quality of the E90 ..
Thank you.
Sorry for my english....
Sorry Arruntus, I didn’t notice you had posted my video.
This was a flight to test the new autopilot firmware update, but was also the first decent weather we’ve had since a got the H520. It was taken about 1 hour after sunrise. Colour set to Unprocessed, tweaked in Premiere. Because I am still waiting on my ND Filters to arrive, camera white balance was set to auto then locked and all other settings were on auto. Must admit auto is actually not that bad compared to the CGO3+. I think the distance is slightly soft, but as it was a little hazy, difficult to tell. There is no post sharpening added at all. All in I was pretty happy with the outcome.

Please don't apologize to me. In any case, I should ask you for them, I made a joke because I saw it was yours ;)

Letting balance the whites alone and then blocking it may have been the key, I see it very well. Certainly it is convenient to play a little bit with the parameters but I like the result in those conditions. Then in post-production you can do wonders. To show how he engraves I think it's a very good test and to make the download of the brute available is quite a success. Thank you :)

By the way, about the camera data rate. The Monstro 8K Network specifications have just been released, it records at 8K at 60fps, 35 Megapixel sensor and has a rate of 300MB/s. I look at the E90 recording at 4K at 60fps and 100MB/s and I think it's great.

As a curiosity, it's worth $80,000 just for the body.....:eek::eek::eek:
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