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E90 Issues

Sep 18, 2019
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Hi All,

H520 Newb here with a few niggles.

Have had the drone a couple of Months and having arrived from the DJI Phantom Camp, I have to say that I really do like it. Or at least, I really do WANT to like it. The drone itself is great, loving the ST16 aside from the lack of fine tuning which hopefully will arrive at some point with a firmware update.

My issues are with the E90 and am curious to know if its just me, or these issues are common.
  • No aperture control? Really? On a £1000+ camera?
  • If am using manual settings on the Camera, in Sun, ISO100 Im usually at a Shutter speed of 1000 / 2000. Am getting a Jello effect on all of my footage ranging from "Wait, is that Jello?" to "am not feeling well at all", depending on what, am not sure. I can only assume this is down to the high shutter speed. Assuming it is, then I need some filters ...
  • Filters! What a nightmare. I cant seem to find anything specifically for the E90 despite the Yuneec website suggesting getting some to fit. Im loathe to just order some to fit as I dont want heavy stuff meaning I have to counterbalance. Any recommendations anyone?
  • Shutter Speed resets back to default, like constantly. Am forever having to dial back in my Colossal numbers from default 4 which presumably isnt doing the sensor much good (not too sure exactly how it works, so keep the ridicule to a minimum pls :) ) Its even reset in flight, more than once, no input from me.
  • With just under 4 hours flight time, I have had 2 corrupt files. Unreadable, un-fixable. Ive tried all sorts of software recovery, both kaput.
Any help or advice, greatly appreciated.

Cheers for now,
You should have a filter adapter ring in your kit so you can use 40.5mm filters. I just got these to try: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B014I58ZW2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The corrupt files are generally from shutting off the aircraft prior to stopping the video. It's an easy fix by putting the card back in the camera and taking a short video on the bench. That will close the file.
Samsung cards don't play well with the camera. I am having good luck with these: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01AYUA3PC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Hi Steve, thanks for the response.

Those filters look incredibly cheap and widely conflicting reviews on Amazon. Be interested to know how you find them ...

Thanks for the tip on the corruption too, ill give that a whirl!

Still interested in knowing if others are experiencing the same issue as me with the Jello Effect. Am wondering, due to not a huge number of posts on it, if it is indeed the shutter speed causing it or if I have defective kit.

if it is indeed the shutter speed causing it or if I have defective kit.
The best way to determine that is to use an ND filter. There are a number of 40.5mm filters. It's just a matter of finding one that isn't too heavy. I have some others made by K&F that seem to work well.
It's just a matter of finding one that isn't too heavy
That's the Rub! - You using 40.5 with the adapter? - Thanks for the reply.

I cant get my head around spending nearly 4k on kit and then having to trawl endless posts and articles to find out why said kit isn't performing the way I would have expected.
Very little performs " Straight out of the box" especially coming from another system, lots of controls and performance will differ, there may be stronger or weak points, sometimes we have to do a little research to get the best out of a product. I have DSLRs costing twice that much and with some research have become even better performers with some tweaks from fellow photographers who've been using the system for longer.
I think most on here are willing to give you some helpful info and pointers. Rome wasn't built in a day as they say. I believe the H520 is a very competent system, don't give up on it just yet.
I appreciate what you're saying, thanks for the reply, however my issue is that the e90 clearly requires a filter to function as a video camera in daylight (never mind sunlight) and there is no clear guidance from Yuneec on what to get and I don't think its a big ask. Im not giving up on the system, I share your view and agree once tweaked the system as a whole could be superb.

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