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Flew today just outside Medicine Hat

Jan 5, 2017
Reaction score
Lethbridge, Alberta
I promised my brother in law John we would drop in Medicine hat this week so he could try my Q500 4K. Up until today, 80 - 100 K winds (50 - 63 MPH). Today, the weather network showed little wind so we went down there, 2 hour drive. When we got there, winds around 15 - 20 K. I said ok then, but we have to go outside of town at least 9 Km from the airport. When we got to where we could fly, the winds had picked up to 40 K with gusts to 50 K. John looked so heartbroken that I said we could try, but I didn't hold out much hope. Well, the drone surpassed my expectations. In these winds it was stable and easy to fly. Being on the prairies, very little to block wind (no trees). I let John try after I had taken off. He had a blast and went through all three of my batteries. I think he is hooked. The only thing I noticed was my batteries went down faster because it was working harder. His only problem is having just spent $2000 for new golf clubs. He is trying to decide how to get $1200 past his wife for a drone. Another one addicted to drones... I didn't tell him it was in turtle mode, he thought it was fast.

We had great fun and kept the drone fairly close and lower than 25 meters. Tomorrow The Weather Network is calling for less wind so it is my turn for fun!

Happy flying all!
Yes. Tomorrow, after my turn, I will download it and the telemetry data off the SD cards. I haven't posted videos yet. Have to figure that out. I assume you upload to Youtube and embed the video address in your post?
His only problem is having just spent $2000 for new golf clubs. He is trying to decide how to get $1200 past his wife for a drone.

It's an investment. By being able to find errant golf balls, he will save mucho dinero...:rolleyes:
Here is the video we took from my Q500 4K. This was John's first time with the drone and he was playing so there are some quick turns.

P.S. I'll give him the golf ball hint...
what beautiful scenery, I would love to have an area like that to fly in, all I have is tall trees. yes they're addictive I'm up right now before sunrise to try and get some flights in before the showers start.
Nice scenery, the landing looked bit rough. After I lost two blades landing in long grass like that (skid got caught in the grass and it flipped over) I started to catch the drone from air with my hand if there's no flat ground to land on.
I actually found the shortest grass there was. I am not experienced enough yet flying it to be catching it. I've still got much more to learn about flying. As I stated, the winds were blowing 40K (25 MPH) and gusting to 50. I made certain to land into the wind.
Catching the drone is pretty easy - you just have to be careful not to get a new haircut. I bring the drone down in front of me just above my head, then let it hover for a sec to see its stable and with my left hand on the controller stop button I reach up with my right hand and grab the drone just where the landing gear meets the body (the skid is a bit too wobbly). Nothing to it really, I'm a newbie too. :)
Got up this morning and, amazing, no wind. It's been around 40 - 100 k for the last week. Couldn't pass up the chance to fly and check out the trailer at the same time. Some video from around the area.

Tomorrow, back to winter for a week. Below 0 and windy. I can't wait for spring.

Sigh... not a tree in sight.

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