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Fly away and Warranty

Nov 15, 2018
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Hi all,

Last Setember I had a dangerous Fly Away while I was filming that results with my drone crashed.

I send the drone to the dealer and now they tell me that this is warranty excluded.

I must tell that I made the calibration before flying (as allways) and this was the very first time that this happends to me.

I shocked right now because in the telemetry appears the (in)famous error 32 just before the crash, so I'm sure that this was not my fault.

Can someone tell what I can do?

The first thing would be to upload the telemetry files to this site. Include the Remote, RemoteGPS, Sensor, and Telemetry folders and zip them then up load here using the ‘Attach files’ button.

Describe the crash scenario as well as you can remember including date, time, and area. We will check for data that may lead to the cause be it mechanical or pilot.
Dear DoomMeister,

Thank you for your message.

I attach all the telemetry files that I have right now.



  • telemetria crash.zip
    159.9 KB · Views: 37
This should be a warranty case. None of the Compass Calibration Warning flags last long enough to raise a message to the ST16.
This was a team mode fly, right? Did you use the Wizard to fly with?

I do not believe that the CCW cause the problem. It is one of this cases where the Telemetry end abrupt. This may be a power loss due to contact problems with battery or a complete Flioght Controller shut down due to HW error. Did you lost the battery during this crash? Altitude of 2 m the crash should not be too hard.

br HE
Quick response h-elsner. I’ll take a look shortly too to see what I can glean from it.
Hi h-elsner & DoomMeister,

Thank you for your messages.

I was flying in a Team mode with another controller, then, suddenly, I lost the drone control and fell down impacting at high speed to the ground (I was lucky that nobody was there.... I would not imagine what could happen....)

So, h-elsner, just before the drone starts his fly away, one CCW appears at the st-16 screen, however, was the moment that I lost control, so I just can not made another thing that be an spectator.

If you thing that this will be a warranty case what should I do?

Thank you!!
I am in agreement with h-elsner on this flight. The short duration magnetic interference errors are negligible. The only concern is the abrupt end of the file without the craft being in a landing mode, suggesting expulsion of the battery or impact with a small hill that could have caused the sudden loss of power and communication.
final flight.jpg
Can you show us the related FlightLog from the other ST16?

I would contact the Europe-Service in Kaltenkirchen. You can create a service request on yuneec.com at support.

br HE
Dear DoomMeister,

First at all let me tell you that I am impressed about the track :)

I remember that the drone were on in the ground with red lights, so, I'am afraid that the battery should keep connected.

h-elsner, the other controller was a ST-24 and I didn't try to get the log, I will try.

Thank you!
No problem alext21. Good to hear the battery remained intact and the lights were on. The abrupt cutoff of data was most likely due to the use of two controllers.

Go with the suggestions of h-elsner for contacting Yuneec. He is very good at reading the data and is a go to guy for those in Europe.
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There are two Real Sense Errors in. After the first RS-Error the distance and speed increases. Is this some kind of Fly-Away or did you want this by intension?


Attached the KML file. You can play this in GoogleEarth with the control upper left.


  • Telemetry00309kml.zip
    7.8 KB · Views: 16
I've had a fair few flights where error 32 was present in the logs, and like you, often in very short bursts. This has caused me no noticeable flight problems, so I too would vote that probably has nothing to do with it...
Dear DoomMeister,

First at all let me tell you that I am impressed about the track :)

The track is easy to do. I use the program developed and distributed free of charge by @h-elsner called q500log2kml.exe. It is a stand alone program that does not require installation on your PC’s OS. It works on 64 bit Windows and Linux at present. Once your telemetry is loaded in the program, you use the Convert button on the upper right to create a kml file that can then be used in Google Earth ( preferably the Pro version loaded on your Pc) to view the flight path of your drone.

I consider h-elsner one of the better members of this forum, laud his work with his program, and consider him an invaluable friend. Here is his website Meine private Homepage - Programmierung, Kopter, Bilder.
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The first thing would be to upload the telemetry files to this site. Include the Remote, RemoteGPS, Sensor, and Telemetry folders and zip them then up load here using the ‘Attach files’ button.

Describe the crash scenario as well as you can remember including date, time, and area. We will check for data that may lead to the cause be it mechanical or pilot.

You are the man.
Keith Kuhn

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