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Fly Drone at Sanford International Airport

Jul 4, 2017
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Waaa hooooo,:D I was asked by Seminole Sports Complex yesterday (11/15/2017) to Video and take pics of their new complex right next to Sanford International /Sanford Orlando Airport.

ATC (SFB) Authorized me to fly no higher than 100 feet, I maintained at 99.2 Feet. :p

Sports Complex was able to get permission in 12 hours by ATC.
Flight time between 5pm and 6:15 pm EST.

10 minutes before 5pm I contacted control tower to confirm start time, winds aloft and altitude restrictions given to me this morning.:cool: (11/16/2017)YUN00020.jpg
In one photo you can see Allegiant Airlines just taking off and 2nd photo private jet taxing and barely the control tower in the background.
Downwind was above me, before base and then final for approach. Very cool.:cool:
Oh by the way, ISO at 200 and 400 shutter down to 125 and lower

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Reactions: Haydn
I nice story by someone doing it the correct way..... Not just disable then fly.
Thanks for following the rules so you don't blow it for the rest of us.
Nice job getting that contract, hope it turns into a lot more for you. I've driven by that place but never gone in and didn't know how big it was.

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