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Fortune smiles on me!

Mar 2, 2017
Reaction score
The Netherlands
I had some firmware issues with my Typhoon H RS.This was most likely due to me stupidly flying to close to some high tension power lines and causing it to go rogue and crash. It gave me permanent trouble descending and rotating in manual mode and no matter what I did I couldn't fix it. Well anyway, as it was almost a year ago I bought it, I thought it might be a good idea to return it for repairs in case the guarantee was about to expire. As it turns out I had 2 years on the guarantee, not one, but I digress... Well off to the store where I bought it with all the proper forms and go about the business of submitting my goods for repair when suddenly the lady helping me exclaims " Oh, it says here we do not repair this item. In that case, I can do nothing other than refund your purchase price."
Trying very hard not to choke I did my utmost to calmly whisper that This would be satisfactory. You see, since I bought my drone, the price has dropped by about $400. A refund will lead to a couple of very nice benefits.

  1. Buying a new drone means it and the batteries are a year younger than this one
  2. No waiting 6-12 weeks for it to come back from repair.
  3. Avoiding the possibility that upon return they have fixed everything except the actual problem.
  4. Getting a $400 discount
  5. Being able to buy some extra goodies and STILL get have money left over!

I should have the new drone by Saturday and I am nothing less than cuffed.

Nice to see that the gods that be do something other than crap on my head from on high.

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