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Found a great price on battery upgrade - but...

it has kept pace with my stock batteries
I agree, I have 2 stock and 2 Ultrax that are in constant rotation, it does seem like the Ultrax deliver a minute or two longer flight times, not really enough to be concerned with, and in my opinion not worth the extra buck$ unless you find a good deal. At $55 that's a fairly good deal, they seem to be a fair trade item I rarely see one for less than $69.95, where as there are better deals to be found on new Yuneec batteries.
Check the manufacture date on “new” Yuneec H batteries. If they were made in 2016 you really don’t want them. The advantage of the Gens-Tattu line is they make new ones as inventory depletes. They don’t have to make a giant batch and sit on them for years as they die of old age.

A head’s up for those of you that bought an H and batteries in 2016; if your flight time seems to be getting shorter and the battery charge times getting longer, start looking for new batteries. What you have is aging beyond useful life.
+1 or “ditto”. Have four Uktrax almost year and a half old. Still going strong, along with three or four Yuneec.

Take care of the batteries; they’ll take care of you.

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