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Getting prepared to shoot a biz video

Mar 18, 2017
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I'm getting ready to shoot a business video and was looking for settings for the cgo4 and tips on shooting in general.
That is quite a broad question and a lot would be relevant to general video, so I would respond by asking do you understand the use of ND filters and the 180 degree (rule)? Why you would choose particular fps in general video etc? Why you should not use ND filters for stills photography? What colour profiles mean on the CGO4 etc?
Sorry to answer a question with another question but may help me or others give a more detailed response.
I use a filter on my 480 I don't have one on the 920. I'm looking for the best settings on the cgo4 for shooting video. Manual with natural? Is the raw option applied in video? I'm frustrated with the 4's GUI also. I'm going to use the grip and the cgo4 app really sucks.
I was vague on purpose to get more insight from you guys. Sometimes pointed questions narrow the field to much.
Yes the CGO4 app wont work on Android, I gave up on the Proaction handle and bought a Moza Aircross for my GH5

I shoot MOV and Cinelike D I also use filters and keep the shutter at or near 180 degrees being in the UK I shoot at 25fps or 60fps so 1/50 or 1/120 or thereabouts.

For stills I ditch the filters and shoot for a fast shutter speed due to vibration. I have jjust balanced the props to help with this but not tested yet.

Worth considering the Olympus MZuiko 12mm lens, that is next on my list or the Olympus 14-42 or the Olympus Mzuiko 45mm depending on needs. I have just bought a 45mm for inspection but not tested yet.
Yes the CGO4 app wont work on Android, I gave up on the Proaction handle and bought a Moza Aircross for my GH5

I shoot MOV and Cinelike D I also use filters and keep the shutter at or near 180 degrees being in the UK I shoot at 25fps or 60fps so 1/50 or 1/120 or thereabouts.

For stills I ditch the filters and shoot for a fast shutter speed due to vibration. I have jjust balanced the props to help with this but not tested yet.

Worth considering the Olympus MZuiko 12mm lens, that is next on my list or the Olympus 14-42 or the Olympus Mzuiko 45mm depending on needs. I have just bought a 45mm for inspection but not tested yet.
I did a youtube search for cgo4 settings and came up with 1 video that was worthwhile. It stated to go manual with auto WB and EV and set to MOV. He also suggested "natural". I have filters for the cgo4 but they are freewell and they don't seem to attach very well.
If you use AWB then the WB will alter when you move your perspective, it will in my opinion be a PP nightmare to correct, never use AWB.
You should buy some decent filters or an adaptor if you have larger filters for other lens/cameras.
For stills, manual is a pain on the CGO4 as you do not get a preview, histogram or exposure meter. For stills I usually use Aperture priority and EV. then the preview is what you get.

I don't claim to be an expert on video but this is what I do, you will also want to be thinking about colour matching with any non aerial video if you are using it from another camera.

Captain drone has a youtube video somewhere where he demonstrates why you should never use AWB
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